14 other associations want to compete in the state elections – Bavaria

In addition to the six parties already established in the state parliament, 14 other political associations want to compete in the Bavarian elections on October 8th. On July 21, the state election committee wants to decide which parties and other organized groups of voters are allowed to stand, the state returning officer announced on Thursday in Fürth.

Among the 14 associations there are many well-known parties such as the ÖDP, the Bavarian Party, the Franconians and the Animal Welfare Party and some “exotics”, including the Anarchist Pogo Party in Germany (APPD), the Party for Conventional Medical Rejuvenation Research and a party that nominally advocates for change, vegetarians and vegans.

In the 2018 state election, 18 parties were admitted, including the Pirate Party, which did not apply for admission this year. Parties or political associations that are not continuously represented in the Bundestag or in the Landtag must submit an application for admission to the Land Returning Officer. The CSU, SPD, Greens, FDP, Free Voters and AfD are represented in the current state parliament, and the Left Party is also in the Bundestag.

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