14 fruit and vegetable ideas to plant

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How to proceed ?

To start growing fruits and vegetables, you can opt for vegetable plots, large pots, wall-mounted kitchen gardens, etc. Thus, you can optimize the space and place the pots according to the needs of what you have. plant. It can be in a location with more shade or, on the contrary, very sunny. It is important to ensure good drainage to your plants by adding gravel or clay balls to the bottom of the container. This will allow the water to flow better. Choose a location sheltered from the wind. Remember to water regularly and take advantage of this time to make sure that none of the plants are sick. It is recommended to mulch your plantations in order to limit water evaporation.

The salads

Vegetable salad
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In your vegetable patch, you can plant different types of salads according to your tastes. You can, for example, opt for cut lettuce that can be harvested by cutting the leaves. Lettuce is generally quite popular and it grows quite quickly. This will have the advantage of allowing you to serve yourself as a salad according to your needs and, thus, to always enjoy a fresh salad. It can be sown directly in the ground or you can transplant already started salads that you will have bought in garden centers, nurseries or from a local producer. The salad is shade tolerant very well, however, it is afraid of frost. You can grow her in a wide, shallow pot, making sure to keep the soil moist.


Tomtaes Vegetable Garden Balcony
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Tomatoes are also quite suitable for this type of crop. On the other hand, they will need at least 5 hours of sun per day for a good development. Choose cherry tomatoes or dwarf tomato varieties. Some varieties such as “Red pear” or “Yellow pear” offer a very high yield. It is necessary to provide a container that is at least 30 cm deep. The greedy or rejections must be removed regularly. It is necessary to provide guardians to allow them to develop without collapsing.


Vegetable bean
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Beans grow easily in containers and are easy to maintain. It is simply necessary to provide a trellis or a tutor to allow them to climb. Choose a location in the sun. The pot should be at least 30 cm deep. A good idea is to associate them with sprouts, because these will produce nitrogen, which will promote the development of your beans. If you do not want to make a specific arrangement, choose a variety of kidney beans. In case of drought, be sure to water them well.

The strawberries

Strawberries Vegetable Garden
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To enjoy strawberries to peck, you can install them in wall pots or in your bins. A container with a depth of at least 20 cm is sufficient for them. True, they don’t need deep soil, but it should be cool and well-drained. You can vary the varieties to extend the harvest. Their advantage is that once installed, you will enjoy them year after year without having to worry about them.


Raspberries Vegetable Garden
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To enjoy beautiful raspberries, install your plants in a tray at least 30 cm deep. It will be necessary to place them in full sun. Water regularly to keep the soil slightly moist. Raspberries require little maintenance and you will enjoy them for a few years.

Peppers and peppers

Pepper Growing
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It is possible to grow peppers and peppers in a vegetable container. They will give you a good harvest yield as long as they get enough sun and heat. It is necessary to install them in a pot at least 30 cm deep.

The eggplants

Eggplant Vegetable Garden
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Eggplants are easily grown in pots or in a deep and fairly wide container. Place your eggplant plants in full sun, they love the heat. It is necessary to use a stake to allow their growth in height.

The cucumber

Growing Cucumber
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Enjoy the crunchiness of cucumbers by growing them yourself. It is a climbing plant that will quickly offer you lush vegetation. You have the choice between different varieties. It thrives in full sun and appreciates the heat. It needs a soil that remains moist throughout the summer season.


Vegetable Zucchini Sprouts
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Zucchini are easy to care for and they are easy to grow in pots. If you place them in full sun, you will enjoy a generous harvest. Choose varieties with small fruits, such as “Ronde de nice”. On the other hand, prefer a culture in container or in pot to facilitate its development. Be careful to protect it from any late frost.

The radishes

Radish Sprouts
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Radish is also easy to grow in pots or containers. You can sow them directly in the soil. Depending on the variety, the sowing period varies. However, cultivation should be done under shelter between February and April and in the open air from March, favoring a sunny location. Water regularly and as soon as the soil begins to dry on the surface. To spread the harvests, you can stagger your seedlings over time.


Carrot Sprouts
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Depending on the climate, you can enjoy the carrot harvest all year round. You will be able to enjoy young roots that can be eaten without necessarily being peeled. A real pleasure for young and old alike who will enjoy very fresh carrots. You can turn to varieties of small carrots. And since nothing is wasted, you can also find recipes that allow you to use their tops. Be sure to grow them in soft, sandy soil in a planter of at least 12 inches. They will prefer moderate temperatures.


Rhubarb Plant
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In a very deep pot, you can easily grow rhubarb. You can harvest the stems at least twice a year leaving a third of the stem and the following year it will reappear if it has managed to root deeply enough. You will need to install it in a partially shaded location. Be sure to water regularly to keep the soil cool. Remove stems bearing flowers so as not to exhaust the plant.

Aromatic herbs

Aromatic Vegetable Garden
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Depending on your taste, you can plant the aromatic herbs that you use regularly to enjoy them while they are freshly picked. They take up little space and can be placed in association with fruits or vegetables or in small bins or pots specially dedicated to them. A good solution is to hang several pots on a rack attached to the wall. You green your wall without wasting space. You can thus plant parsley, basil, chives, etc. .. But be careful, in all cases, the mint must be installed in a pot or a tray intended for it alone.

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