11KM: the tagesschau podcast First pushbacks, now shots?

The use of firearms at the EU’s external border was repeatedly reported. For the first time this is now documented in a video. Anna Tillack from the ARD studio in Southeast Europe is a guest at 11KM and tells how she investigated the incident and what she experienced at the EU’s external border. A story about how the EU’s contradictory stance on migration and refugee policies contributes to escalating violence at the borders. You can find Anna Tillack’s research on the shots fired at the Bulgarian-Turkish border, including the video excerpts, here: https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/pushbacks-bulgarisch-tuerkische-border-101.html A graphic of the main Escape routes and a forecast of how the problem of unregulated immigration will develop in 2023: https://www.dw.com/de/eu-migrationspolitik-2023-will-m%C3%BChsam-maintain/a-64070016 Asylum and migration policy , Schengen agreement and migration agenda: Central terms explained in a short dossier: https://www.bpb.de/kurz-knapp/lexika/das-europalexikon/176685/asyl-und-migrationspolitik-der-eu/ In this episode of 11KM were involved: Author: Katharina Hübel Collaboration: Stephan Beuting Production: Gerhard Wicho, Konrad Winkler, Simon Schuling, Jürgen Kopp and Eva Erhard Editorial management: Fumiko Lipp and Lena Gürtler Host: Victoria Michalczak 11KM: The tagesschau podcast is a production of BR24 and NDR info

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