11,000 cases recorded in 24 hours, a new record

The number of Coronavirus contaminations continues to increase in Israel. As of Monday, authorities announced more than 9,000 cases. This number rose to 10,947 on Tuesday (7.65% of positive tests). A figure never before reached in the country which had recorded 10,118 cases in one day on January 18. The Ministry of Health, however, indicates a slight decline in the number of serious cases across the country.

Israel is facing the spread of the more contagious Delta variant in unvaccinated adults but also in people vaccinated more than six months ago. Based on this observation, the authorities have launched a campaign for the administration of a booster dose of the vaccine. The government also lowered the minimum age for receiving a third dose of the vaccine to 12 on Sunday.

Back to school maintained

Despite this record number of cases, the Israeli government has decided not to delay the start of the school year for the 2.4 million students scheduled for Wednesday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett having however announced that school staff refusing vaccination should test negative twice a week.

The Hebrew state was one of the first countries to launch, in mid-December, a vast vaccination campaign thanks to an agreement with Pfizer which had quickly delivered millions of paid doses in exchange for data on the effectiveness of the vaccine on its population, which had made it possible to reduce the number of cases until the spread of the Delta variant.

Almost 5.5 million people have received two doses of the vaccine in Israel, or about 60% of the total population, including more than 80% of adults, the vaccine not being authorized for children under 12 years of age. . Faced with the rise in the number of cases in Israel, the European Union decided on Monday to reimpose restrictions on non-essential travel from that country.

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