11 varieties of plants to grow

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What kind of gardener are you?

Two categories:

  1. You may be one of those people who, after buying a beautiful plant, try to care for it by following the instructions on the label to the letter, but still find after a while that it loses its leaves or its flower buds, that its leaves turn brown, etc., in short, that it looks gray. You may have deduced that you don’t have a green thumb. But the problem may be quite different. Indeed, the problems encountered by your plants can also be linked, among other things, to the brightnessto indoor humidity level not the quality of your care.
  2. But you can also be one of those people who take good care of their new plant at first, then tend to forget it. This can be characterized, for example, by forgotten watering which we then try to compensate by over-watering. Few plants resist such a diet.

Whichever category you fall into, here are some plants that know how to adapt and resist.

The scindapsus or pothos

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This indoor plant in addition to being very aesthetic is of great resistance. You can suspend it and leave hanging its lianas with abundant foliage of pretty variegated leaves for a jungle spirit in your interior. You can also make it climb on a stake. It is a plant that grows rapidly and who is easy to maintain. If your home is not bright, she will like it because she appreciates partial shade. His only requirement is to have his soil always moist.

The aloe vera

Aloe Vera

Known for its healing properties, aloe vera is also a plant with original and elegant foliage, which will easily find its place in your interior. To keep it healthy, just don’t take too much care of it. Indeed, she only needsa little water and should not be watered only when the soil is dry. She likes a bright location, without direct sun. It will then grow quite quickly. Be careful to offer him a sufficiently large pot.


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More commonly called “mother-in-law’s tongue”, this plant is also very hardy. Its graphic foliage seduces and will bring an original touch to your interior. You will have the choice among different species whose leaves can be of a frank green, striated, tubular, etc.

You can install it in a sunny locationbut it can also settle for a place at the partial shade. Water it when the soil is dry on the surface, in fact, excess water can lead to the rotting of its rhizome.

The haworthia

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This small, succulent plant with a very graphic appearance is resistant to extreme growing conditions. It is not It is useful to water it only when the soil is very dry. It is then enough to proceed with a copious watering, then to leave it alone until the soil is dry again. To allow him a better development, it is preferable to choose him a bright place, but it also supports partial shade.


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Also called ” moon flower “, this plant grows easily and will delight you with its beautiful white flowers throughout the year. Even when not flowering, it retains dense foliage.

It is a plant that likes a bright location, but without direct sunlight. As it appreciates humidity, you must take care not to install it near a radiator and to water it as soon as the soil begins to dry on the surface. It is necessary to carry out its repotting regularly. Between two repottings, a surfacing is enough. To do this, simply scrape the surface soil to add potting soil that will provide the nutrients necessary for its proper development.


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The yucca was more discreet for a few years, but it is making a comeback. And for good reason, it seduces with its slender foliage which overhangs a trunk. It brings a touch of exoticism to any interior. It requires little maintenance, sincemoderate watering is sufficient. When you notice that the soil is dry, it’s time to water it, but be careful not to let water stagnate in the dish so as not to rot its roots.

As it comes from a humid environment, you can also mist its leaves, it will only be more beautiful. Give it a bright spot out of direct sunlight.

The cactus

How to Water a Cactus
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Very decorative, cacti bring an exotic look to interiors. They have thus placed themselves as essential decoration items. To thrive, they need a maximum brightness, but not necessarily sunshine. You can place them under a skylight, on a windowsill, etc. The cactus does not need any special care, just water it lightly.

In addition, you will be spoiled for choice since they are divided into a large number of species with or without flowers, more or less large, of different shapes, etc..

The philodendron

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This plant with very decorative graphic foliage and very depolluting properties is appreciated for its very rapid growth. You can choose it with a bushy habit or in the form of lianas to be staked. It doesn’t need a lot of water. Simply let the soil on the surface dry out before watering it again. He will like it in a bright location, but it also accepts partial shade.

Pilea peperomioides

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This succulent seduces us with its small round leaves. She is also called “chinese money plant”, a country where it is considered a lucky charm. It is a very easy to maintain plant that likes a sunny location without direct sun. Provided that you bring him a little water, she won’t ask you anything more. You can turn the pot regularly so you will prevent the plant from deforming. It is a very trendy plant that is easy to take cuttings.

ZZ Plant

Plant Zz
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It’s about zamioculcas zamiifolia, a plant said to have encountered the dinosaurs. Its shiny deep green leaves seem to dance in space. This plant likes the shade and the heat and only asks to be watered from time to time. An indestructible!


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All in elegance and lightness with its cream leaves bordered with green, this plant produces many runners which hang down superbly. Installed in height, the effect which it offers is guaranteed provided that you bring sufficient water to him and that it benefits from light. If you are one of those who forget watering, you can leave a cup filled with water under the pot. In addition, you can multiply it as much as you want.

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