10,500 temporary residence permits issued to Ukrainian refugees in France

Already 10,500 temporary residence permits have been issued to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war with Russia, Jean Castex announced on Tuesday, adding that 91,000 accommodation places had been offered by individuals in France.

“To date, 26,000” arrivals of refugees “have been recorded entering French territory since the end of February to join family, friends or to go to other countries”, declared the Prime Minister following an interministerial crisis unit in Beauvau.

Go to school, look for a job, get help

And already, in less than three weeks, “10,500 Ukrainian nationals have been issued with a temporary residence permit”. These authorizations, which are renewable for 6 months, allow the children to attend school and give them the right to seek employment and an allowance.

Welcoming “the tremendous outpouring of solidarity” of the French, Jean Castex indicated that 91,000 accommodation places had been offered “to date”. At the same time, the State has set up a “national reception and accommodation scheme, offering at least 100,000 places”, according to the Prime Minister.

Nearly 2,500 children in schools

According to Matignon, this reservoir includes places offered by communities, by different operators (holiday centres, large hotel groups, real estate from unions or works councils, etc.), and those from individuals. In this context, the Prime Minister therefore asked the prefects to identify by the end of March 25,000 of these 100,000 places.

Jean Castex also indicated that 2,433 Ukrainian children had been welcomed “in schools, colleges and high schools in the country”. And 8,000 places have been “identified” in “universities to accommodate Ukrainian students”, he added.

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