“Zidane, I wouldn’t even have taken him on the phone”, tackles Le Graët

“Zinédine Zidane, I wouldn’t even have taken him on the phone”, declared on RMC, scathing, Noël Le Graët, the president of the French Football Federation, the day after the extension of Didier Deschamps’ contract until 2026 The 81-year-old FFF boss was asked if Zidane, who acted as the N.1 option in the event of the non-renewal of Deschamps’ contract, had called him in recent days. “I wouldn’t even have taken it on the phone,” he said. To tell him what? ‘Hello sir, don’t worry, look for another club, I just agreed with Didier’? “.

Noël Le Graët also responded curtly to rumors of Zidane’s interest in Brazil’s selection. “I would be surprised if he went there,” he said. He does what he wants, that’s none of my business. I never met him and we never considered parting with Didier Deschamps. I don’t care, he can go where he wants, in a club, he would have as many as he wants in Europe, a big club. A selection, I hardly believe it as far as I’m concerned. »

On Saturday, Didier Deschamps’ contract as coach of the France team had been extended until 2026 and the World Cup organized in the United States, Canada and Mexico, blocking Zidane’s immediate horizon in blue.

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