Zelensky ready to discuss status of Donbass and Crimea with Putin in exchange for an end to the fighting

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08:50 : “We must impose an embargo on Russian gas and oil, believes Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate. This is the only measure commensurate with the suffering of the Ukrainian people and the war crimes perpetrated by Vladimir Putin.”

08:50 : “We must impose an embargo on Russian gas and oil, believes Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate. This is the only measure commensurate with the suffering of the Ukrainian people and the war crimes perpetrated by Vladimir Putin.”

08:30 : Hello @Nicholas Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that “the progress of the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine is not sufficient to consider a Putin-Zelesky meeting”, quotes the correspondent of Radio France in Moscow.

08:33 : Hello FI, has Russia responded to the Ukrainian president’s multiple meeting proposals? Thanks#ukraine

07:57 : Hello @there’s sun I don’t have the exact list of French companies present in Russia, but here are the names of a few groups that have chosen to stay: Total Energies, Auchan, Engie, Lactalis, Air Liquide, or Danone, list Le Figaro.

07:57 : Hello everyone, Can you give the list of French companies that maintain their activity in Russia?

07:25 : Hello @Jeanneyou can find it in this linkand below:

07:25 : Hello FI, where can we hear the full interview with V. Zelensky? Thank you !

07:23 : “Faced with unexpected resistance (…) and suffering a significant drain on its human and material resources, the Russian army is a far cry from the image it has projected over the past ten years”, observe in The world Isabelle Facon, Deputy Director at the Foundation for Strategic Research. Ukraine also claimed that five Russian generals and an admiral were killed in action, reports Le Figaro.

07:23 : Hello @The supportive Lyonnais Indeed, shortly after the start of the war, the Russian army began to show failures. Russian troops faced logistical problems, fuel shortages and old equipment.

07:24 : Hello FI, how about you tell us about the successes of the Ukrainian army? Obviously, the campaign of the Russian army is anything but a long calm river. If you cheer us up, that would be a good thing. Thank you for your work.

07:26 : “While some Russians I know are clearly against this conflict, they at the same time have a deep respect for their country. So if we start to criticize, they are a little bit angry, so I avoid the subject.”

Franceinfo interviewed several French people living in Russia. If they say they are very shocked by this war, they don’t question their presence in Russia.

06:40 : On Twitter, a journalist from the daily Independent Kyiv posts a picture of emergency services in the town of Irpin caring for war-torn pets.

06:37 : A yacht belonging to the Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, owner of the Chelsea club, landed in southwestern Turkey, a country that does not apply Western sanctions against Russian oligarchs. US President Joe Biden assured that the allies “come to get [les] ill-gotten gains” of these oligarchs.

06:43 : Hello @violetas I explained in This article, Ukraine is not part of NATO, so the Alliance has no military, legal or moral obligation to defend it and send troops there. On the other hand, the organization sends equipment and troops to Eastern Europe to support kyiv.

06:24 : Is a NATO military response possible?

07:29 : The situation remains dramatic in Mariupol, a large port city in the south, mainly Russian-speaking, bombarded for weeks by the Russians. The Ukrainian government has rejected an ultimatum issued by Moscow on a surrender of the city. Residents refuse to surrender.

06:12 : In kyiv, where a new curfew is in force until Wednesday morning, “65 residents, including four children, died” and about 300 people, including 16 children, were injured in “the bombardments of the Russian military”said the mayor of the city, Vitali Klitschko.

06:06 : US President Joe Biden says he is “clear” that Russia is considering using chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine. Vladimir Poutine “knows that there will be severe consequences because of the united front of NATO”he warned, without further details.

07:29 : Here is the main information at 6 o’clock:

• Volodymyr Zelensky declared himself ready to discuss everything with Vladimir Putin if he agrees to negotiate directly with him, including from Crimea and Donbass, but with “security guarantees” in advance.

• Yvan Colonna, the Corsican independence activist sentenced to life imprisonment for the assassination of the prefect Erignac, died in Marseillesafter three weeks in a coma following his assault in prison, a tragedy that led to violent protests on the island.

A Boeing-737 with 132 people on board crashed in southern China after a brutal fall of 8,000 meters, a plane crash which could prove the deadliest in this country since 1994.

• Two female victims of an attack at a high school in Malmö, in Sweden, are dead, Swedish police said. The suspect, an 18-year-old student, was arrested in the late afternoon.

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