“Young people have the power to change things”, says Dylan Lemoine, young person engaged in the RN

When it came time to engage politically, Dylan Lemoine did not really detour. This 23-year-old young security professional, “always interested in current events”, explains that he was marked by “the violence” of the demonstrations of May 1, 2002, in opposition to the qualification of the National Front for the second round of the presidential election. , when he was “still in primary school”. After briefly “looking for himself politically”, he says he joined in 2016 what is now called the RN. He is now the coordinator of “Youth with Marine” in Brittany.

From Saint-Malo, while coordinating “all those under 30” in the region, he does “activism”: “Towing, boxing, markets…” The young man, like his candidate, claims to be close to the on the ground and aware of the priorities of the French people. When detailing what he expects from Marine Le Pen, he immediately cites measures on “purchasing power” and “security”, central axes of the Lepenist campaign.

Three days before the first round, Dylan Lemoine has only one message to convey to undecided young people: “Go vote! It is our only power to change things. With Macron, we saw what it was for five years. Today, young people have the power to make a difference. We are really lucky to have the right to vote. So I tell them: go put a ballot in the ballot box… And if it’s for Marine Le Pen, that’s better! »

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