You used ChatGPT, confess and tell us

Teachers try to outsmart him, scientists to trick him, he has written poems, invented stories from scratch and even entered competitions. The ChatGPT chatbot, with its fascinating – or creepy – ability to produce writing on any topic, is making headlines high tech since its launch at the end of December 2022 and undermines our intellectual certainties.

Many have tested it out of curiosity, but others, we have our sources, have actually used it for their daily lives. To save time, avoid spending an evening laying out a boring pitch, a memo that no one will read anyway, or just synthesizing a great idea? For a speech, a letter without consequences perhaps? Because you had more fulfilling things to do? Your experience matters to us.

You’ve taken the plunge and let ChatGPT write for you. When and why? Did the AI ​​bluff or disappoint you? Has doubt entered the reader of your text by proxy? Have you been unmasked? And trying ChatGPT, is it adopting it? You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article. Thanks in advance.

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