Yolande Moreau maintains that it is never too late to be happy

Yolande Moreau, we know why we love her. His generosity and the benevolence tinged with sweet madness of The Poet’s Bride, seduce. This tenderly libertarian fable where a landlady she plays welcomes cute misfits touches the heart. “It’s a film that questions our ability to dream in a world dominated by money,” explains 20 minutesthe filmmaker who signs here her third fiction after When the sea rises (2004) and Henry (2013).

Grégory Gadebois, Esteban, newcomer Thomas Guy and the all too rare Sergi López make up the motley troupe surrounding Yolande Moreau. William Sheller also makes his debut as a film actor as an unctuous priest. “Being able to bring together these performers from different backgrounds was a bit of a surprise for the chef,” recognizes Yolande Moreau.

A film that pleases

Like the heroine of her film, the actress-director takes her little gang into a world of solidarity, friendship and love that does the viewer a lot of good. “I had fun writing the role of this woman who has retained an element of naivety despite the trials of life. I feel close to her. » To this luminous heroine, Yolande Moreau communicates a vibrant vital energy which permeates the entire film. Laughter, music, resourcefulness and solidarity are the ingredients of this deliciously crazy fantasy.

“We were all on the same wavelength without rivalry or power games, and I hope that shows. It was fascinating to see how they interpreted their scores, going further than I had planned and achieving a harmonious whole,” confides Yolande Moreau. This esprit de corps surrounds a comedy where love takes over adversity with an invigorating naturalness.

Resist together

“At first I thought the film would be called Even amidst the noise, because it implied an idea of ​​resistance, she remembers. Although I changed my title along the way, I believe I kept the spirit of it by inviting people to be themselves and to walk outside the box. » Like his battered characters, The Poet’s Bride makes you smile and invigorates because this beautiful story cheerfully declares that it is never too late to live and love.

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