Yes, the country has announced a reopening of its borders, but not with this decree

A man checks plane schedules at Algiers Houari Boumédiène airport as some domestic flights resume, December 6, 2020. – Fateh Guidoum / AP / SIPA

Borders closed for more than a year due to the coronavirus epidemic. Is this why a dubious document announcing a partial reopening of Algerian borders has gone viral on social networks since this weekend? This document, presented as a decree by Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the President of the Republic, announces that “flights to and from Algeria are authorized from May 31st 00:00”.

The Algerian presidency has indeed announced a partial reopening of the country’s borders from June 1, but this decree is not authentic. – Facebook screenshot


Several points alert on the authenticity of this document. He does not appear in the Official Journal of the Algerian Republic dated May 16. A search with the number that appears on the document, 21-70,
returns towards a different decree, published in February by the Prime Minister.

The document contains several spelling errors and the date of May 16, 2021 appears only in the Gregorian calendar, while the date in the Hejirian calendar also appears on the official decrees. In addition, the document is assigned to the president, while the decrees related to the health situation are signed by the Prime Minister. Solicited by 20 minutes Regarding the authenticity of this document, the Algerian presidency did not follow up.

However, the presidency of the Algerian Republic announced Sunday a partial reopening of borders from June 1. Five daily flights will be provided from and to the airports of Algiers, Oran and Constantine. The Algerian authorities specify that the regulatory text will be published within a week.

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