Yes, a food distribution has indeed been interrupted by the Crous de Paris

A solidarity grocery store for students, end of January 2021 (illustration). – JEANNE ACCORSINI / SIPA

  • “Le Crous de Paris puts an end to [à une distribution alimentaire] for questions of authorization while students are hungry ”, indignant a publication relayed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Uploaded by the student movement Resilience, it denounces, with supporting images, the interruption by the Paris Crous of a charitable operation in favor of students organized in front of its premises.
  • This incident did take place on March 19, 2021, as confirmed by the Crous de Paris in 20 minutes, while explaining not to have been requested upstream by the organizers of this action.

Haro on the packages of pasta, preserves and other bricks of soup at the entrance to Crous de Paris. In a video posted online on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, the student movement “for a transformative unionism” Resilience accuses the Regional Center for University and School Works in the capital for having put an end to its food distribution operation organized on the 19th. last March in front of the establishment’s headquarters.

“Come on, look! Look ! [Le responsable du Crous de Paris] wants to recover his table so he puts everything on the ground ”, we hear in the commentary of these images showing a man (then two) removing the various foodstuffs arranged on a table installed on the steps of the building, which also houses a university residence.

“We did a student distribution right here and they decided, because there was no authorization, to remove everything because they want to control the communication of distributions and defend their meals at 1 euro while the students […] have taken food and need it, ”also laments the representative of the collective on the occasion of this video.


“In the general context of student precariousness and the lack of resources made available by the government, we consider that we must act at our level. On March 19, we therefore organized a food distribution for which we communicated to the students but not to the Crous ”, explains to 20 minutes Romaric Thurel, coordinator of the Resilience movement.

“We were able to ensure distribution for about three quarters of an hour or an hour using a Crous table – which we had asked to take from the employees – before we were interrupted. There was no violence on the part of the CROUS, just an eventful intervention that we find unfortunate because it would have been easier and more useful to ask us to move a few meters, ”he laments.

Distribution carried out without prior information from CROUS

Joined by 20 minutes, the Crous de Paris confirms having “had to interrupt this food distribution which took place on the forecourt of [son] establishment without having been informed beforehand, and which stood precisely in front of the front door [du] university restaurant, on the edge of the staircase. “

“We have indicated [aux étudiants] that it was not possible to stay at this location – which also seemed dangerous to us – and that if they wished to organize an action in collaboration with the Crous de Paris, we would be completely in agreement to organize things together upstream “, continues the CROUS, which recalls its current collaborations with” many actors of solidarity “but also the need to obtain a” preliminary agreement so that the logistical organization of these operations takes place at best, with the safeguards that such a device requires. “

For its part, the Resilience movement specifies, through the voice of its coordinator, that it did not seek “the confrontation” by publishing the images of the incident: “It was just, for us, a way to testify to the event. We were very surprised by the extent that it took on social networks. “



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