Yarmolenko told his former captain Tymoshchuk to ‘fuck off’ on the phone

A few weeks ago, 20 minutes had investigated the troubled position of the record holder of selections for the national team of Ukraine, Anatoliy Tymoshchuk, accused of being a spy in the pay of Russia at the start of the invasion of his native country.

Since then, the current assistant coach of Zenith Saint Petersburg has not frankly given any clues that could suggest that the fate of Ukraine matters to him a lot, even if no indisputable document comes to prove an official collaboration with Moscow. However, some former teammates and friends like Andriy Yarmolenko tried to reach him to understandin vain.

“He was a role model for me before, now he is nothing”

The West Ham striker sums up his brief conversation with Tymoshchuk in the British press as follows: “I messaged him to ask how he could sleep at night. He replied that he was not sleeping. Then I called him and the conversation escalated. I told him that he was a role model for me before and now he was nothing. He told me to go fuck myself, I replied the same way and it ended like that”.

If Yarmolenko does not play much at West Ham anymore, Anatoliy Tymoshchuk has outright become a traitor to the fatherland: the Ukrainian Football Federation has demanded that all his records and his achievements in the jersey of the national team be erased from the shelves.

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