XXL bundle of joy: 18-month-old girl wears clothes for four-year-olds

Watch the video: XXL bundle of joy – 18-month-old girl wears clothes for four-year-olds.

18-month-old Skylar is taller than average for her age and already wears the clothes of a four-year-old.

The girl will be born in 2021 – and with a normal weight.

She now weighs almost 17 kilograms, almost double the weight for her age group.

Mother Anna reports that her daughter has a big appetite – Skylar especially likes milk.

Even as a baby, the Pole was a little more grippy than other children her age. So she thinks it’s genetic. As soon as she could walk, Anna lost the weight again.

The single mother shares videos and pictures of her daughter online. There she has to deal with nasty comments and messages.

Many users accuse her of only feeding Skylar fast food or chocolate. Nevertheless, there are also many people who are enthusiastic about the two.

Still, she’s not intimidated by the comments.

“I’m doing everything right and my child just needs fuel to grow, it’s as simple as that. I won’t stop posting pictures of her as I think she’s beautiful.”

For Mama Anna, Skylar has always been a “mini model” – no matter the dress size.

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