Xavier Naidoo: “I was blinded by conspiracy stories” – Panorama

What nonsense did the singer Xavier Naidoo represent? The earth is flat – Naidoo apparently thought it was possible. Corona is a pretext to free children from the hands of elite pedophile networks undisturbed by the public? With tears, the musician speculated about such a hair-raising secret maneuver. Naidoo was still fantasizing in his Telegram channel in Novemberthe real purpose of the Corona vaccination could be to turn people into zombies and trigger an apocalypse.

No conspiracy story in recent years has seemed so absurd that it could not have found a hot-blooded follower in Naidoo. In the scene of aluminum hat wearers, Naidoo became the most prominent model figure, who did not shy away from being close to the right-wing extremist scene. At that point at the latest, one could hardly walk away from the singer’s confused theses with a shake of the head. As absurd as such ideas may seem, it can also be dangerous if a man who still has a large fan base spreads it among the people.

And now this turning point: In a nearly three-minute video that Naidoo put on YouTube, he presents himself as a purified man, as someone who makes a radical break with his past. “I realized that I had irritated and provoked my family, my friends, my fans, people who defended me, but also many other people with disturbing statements for which I would like to apologize.”

What exactly does he regret and what not? The singer remains vague

Naidoo speaks happily, he seems to be quite serious, the remorse seems sincere – even if his statement remains vague on many points and leaves the viewer with questions rather than answers. What exactly does Naidoo think is wrong now? And what might not? But perhaps the abundance of the abstruse and dangerous that Naidoo has represented in the past has simply become too great to clean up every detail. Not now, not today. Maybe a three-minute clip can only be a start.

Naidoo speaks of always looking for truths, but having “got lost” in the process, which he “unfortunately only now recognized”. Which truths, which false paths remain unspoken, but he names all the more clearly how many of his positions have to be described: “I was blinded by conspiracy stories and didn’t question them enough,” he says, almost as if in a confession. Above all, he expressly wants to distance himself from extreme right-wing positions.

Observers had Naidoo early see drifting into the radical slob scene. In 1998, he is said to have questioned the legality of the federal elections in a live broadcast on the MTV music channel, a popular motif among the self-proclaimed Reich citizens who do not consider Germany a sovereign state. A year later, Naidoo referred to himself in a bizarre interview as racists, but “without regard to skin color”.

At that time, the general public noticed him more as a soul singer with a penchant for spiritual lyrics and perhaps a little too much enthusiasm for Jesus Christ. The picture probably only really changed with one Appearance at a right-wing extremist Reichsbürger demonstration in 2014 in Berlin, where Naidoo apparently spontaneously took the Mirko and declared that Germany was still an occupied country. Since then, Naidoo’s publicly audible theses have become more confused than reasonable.

Naidoo’s wife is from Ukraine

How did this sudden change of heart come about? Naidoo explains it in his statement with the war in Ukraine. The scene of slobs and right-wing conspiracy supporters has repeatedly attracted attention in the past due to their closeness to Putin. A Reichsbourgeois family from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had, for example Seeked asylum in Russia a few years ago. And corona deniers like ex-Schlager singer Michael Wendler are now expressing sympathy for the ruler in Moscow on their Telegram channel.

Even Naidoo apparently still had one on his Telegram channel in mid-March Kremlin propaganda divided with the words: “The Russian police just released a wonderful video!” In the clip, police officers form a Z, the symbol for the Russian war of aggression, to triumphant music.

His wife, Naidoo now explains, comes from Ukraine. After the Russian attack, he had to get family members out of the country and had to face many critical questions from those affected about his attitude in the past, for which he is now grateful. Exactly which questions remain open.

In any case, Naidoo seems to have an inkling of the wave that his remorse video is likely to trigger – among those who want explanations, who want to understand and understand his change. But also among his many followers from the scene, where the conversion will probably not meet with understanding. In any case, he deactivated the comment function under his YouTube video.

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