Würzburg: goods ship blocked the Main for two days – Bavaria

A barge more than 100 meters long blocked the Main in Würzburg for two days. It was towed free on Christmas Day. The ship’s captain is being investigated for an administrative offense, as a police spokesman said. A driving error by the 35-year-old probably caused the incident at the Würzburg lock. During the trip on Friday, the ship loaded with around 2,700 tons of asphalt granulate almost hit an oncoming cargo ship, the police reported. Due to another error, the cargo ship then drifted across the direction of flow and was unable to manoeuvre. Due to the rising water levels, the ship moved to the nearby restaurant ship “Mainkuh” and touched it until the next day. The restaurant ship was moved onto it to provide more space for towing free. After several failed attempts, the cargo ship was freed. Ships did not pile up because shipping traffic was very quiet due to the holidays. After the freight ship had driven to a landing stage under its own power, the Main was reopened to shipping, as was the old Main Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. Whether damage occurred is still being investigated. Nobody got hurt. The water police in Würzburg are investigating.

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