World leaders react to assassination of ex-Japanese prime minister

From Asia to the West, world leaders paid tribute on Friday to former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, victim of an attack during a campaign rally in Nara, in the west of the country, and lamented the loss of a “committed democrat” and “defender of a multilateral world order”.

The UN Security Council observed a minute of silence during a meeting in New York, in tribute to the former head of state. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply saddened by this terrible assassination”, and added that he would “keep in mind the attachment [de l’ex-Premier ministre japonais] to multilateralism.

“A loss for the whole world”

US President Joe Biden, who said he was “stunned, outraged and deeply saddened” by the assassination of Shinzo Abe, visited the Japanese ambassador’s residence in Washington on Friday to personally offer his condolences. He laid a bouquet and wrote a long note in a condolence book, Japanese Ambassador Koji Tomita behind him.

“It is not just a loss for his wife, his family and the people of Japan, it is a loss for the whole world,” wrote the Democratic leader, who hailed “a man of peace and discernment” . He ordered flags to be lowered until Sunday on federal buildings.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken lamented the loss of a “visionary leader” who “brought relations between (…) the United States and Japan to the highest levels”. Former US President Barack Obama said he was “shocked and saddened” by the assassination of his “longtime friend and partner”, while his successor Donald Trump paid tribute to “a man who loved and cherished his magnificent country, Japan.

A “heinous murder”

“I wish you (…) courage in the face of this heavy irreparable loss,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a condolence telegram addressed to Shinzo Abe’s mother and widow, according to a Kremlin statement. “Beautiful memories of this remarkable man will forever live on in the hearts of those who knew him,” he said.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan said how “shocked” China was. “Former Prime Minister Abe contributed to the improvement and development of Sino-Japanese relations (…),” an embassy spokesperson said. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he was “deeply saddened by this heinous murder”, hailing “a defender of democracy”, “my friend and colleague for many years”. Japan is a key partner of the Alliance.

A craftsman of “the balance of the world”

On the side of the European Union, the President of the Commission, denounced on Twitter the “cowardly and brutal murder” of a “great democrat and defender of a multilateral world order”, whose attack “shocks the whole world “. “I will never understand the brutal murder of this great man. Japan, the Europeans share your mourning”, reacted for his part the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. The Spanish government condemned “the terrible attack that ended the life of the former Prime Minister of Japan”.

“Italy is shocked by the terrible attack that has struck Japan and its free democratic debate,” reacted the head of the Italian government Mario Draghi. “Japan is losing a great Prime Minister, who dedicated his life to his country and worked to bring balance to the world”, reacted French President Emmanuel Macron. “It’s a statesman who disappears and it’s a loss not just for Japan but also for the entire international community,” said former French President François Hollande.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was “stunned and deeply saddened”, claiming to be “at Japan’s side in these difficult times”. “It is with horror that I learned the news (…)”, reacted the ex-chancellor Angela Merkel, remembering her “pleasure to work” with a man with whom the relationship was “marked with trust”. “It is with horror that I learned the news (…)”, reacted the ex-chancellor Angela Merkel, remembering her “pleasure to work” with a man with whom the relationship was “marked with trust”.

Queen Elizabeth II said she was “deeply saddened” after the death of Shinzo Abe. “My family and I were deeply saddened to learn of the sudden and tragic death of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,” the sovereign said. “Incredibly sad for Shinzo Abe. Many will remember the world leadership he showed in difficult times,” resigning British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted.

National mourning in India

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared a day of national mourning on Saturday in his country in honor of Shinzo Abe. “I am shocked and saddened beyond words by the tragic passing of one of my dearest friends, Shinzo Abe,” he wrote on Twitter. “We stand in solidarity with our Japanese brothers and sisters at this difficult time.”

Brazil has declared a three-day national mourning, “to show our respect for the Japanese people, our gratitude to Shinzo Abe and our solidarity in the face of unjustifiable cruelty”, announced President Jair Bolsonaro.

“I am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend Abe,” reacted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “I condemn those who perpetrated this heinous attack.” “I extend my sympathy and condolences to his family and to the people of Japan for the loss of their longest-serving prime minister and respected politician,” South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol said in a statement. condemning an “unacceptable criminal act”.

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