Workshop in Ebersberg: How the World War still has an impact today – Ebersberg

Hamburg coach Sven Rohde will give an online lecture on the subject of “grandchildren of the war” on February 9th, followed by an in-depth workshop in Ebersberg on March 19th. War grandchildren are the children of people who were children during World War II. For many of the generation of grandchildren born between 1960 and 1980, it is depressing and difficult to understand how things long past can still influence their lives today: the Second World War, the Nazi era, the Holocaust, escape, expulsion and the violent experiences of their ancestors.

In his online lecture on February 9th at 7 p.m., Sven Rohde, who has been giving seminars on the subject of grandchildren of war for five years, explains central aspects: How the German emotional legacy affects those born after the war, what science says about the transgenerational transmission of knows trauma and how to get rid of the symptoms. Author Sebastian Schoepp will read briefly from his book “See how you are coping. What the war generation has left in us”. You will then be invited to an interview. Participation in the lecture is free of charge. An email to the organizers at [email protected] or [email protected] is sufficient. The zoom link to the event will be emailed shortly beforehand.

Interested parties can deepen their knowledge and engage with their own family history at the day workshop with Sven Rohde on March 19 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Ebersberg. The number of participants is limited to 15. Detailed information on this will be given in the lecture.

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