Working differently: vacation, freely disposable – economy


Saskia Aleythe, Hamburg

work differently

The large SZ series “Working differently” explains what you need to know about the future of work and shows which companies are successful with their ideas – or not. All episodes can be found on this overview page.

Juliy Gadjiev is already looking forward to the festival season. The 27-year-old has missed celebrating in recent years, now he wants to savor what’s possible again. Preferably take the first few moments with you, when the bass starts booming, arrive on Thursdays if possible. And a lot is possible with him, especially on vacation days since he has been working at Appinio. All employees can decide for themselves how much vacation they want to take. Gadjiev can also go away for three more weeks in the summer, visit his parents in Hanover, celebrate weddings, whatever he feels like. “I’m not quite sure how many vacation days I’ll take in total,” says Gadjiev. If he feels like it, he can go to Sylt for an additional day. Or two. Or three.

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