Wolfgang Schäuble: Reactions to his death

Reactions to news of death
“He was a giant of parliamentarism”: Politicians pay tribute to Wolfgang Schäuble and his life’s work

Watch the video: Wolfgang Schäuble died: Nobody was a member of parliament longer than him.

Former Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble is dead. The CDU politician fell asleep peacefully with his family on Boxing Day, his family said. In his long political career, Schäuble was a minister, CDU leader, parliamentary group leader and President of the German Bundestag. Nobody has been a member of Parliament longer than him.

Decades of German politics are associated with the name Schäuble. Under Chancellor Helmut Kohl, he was initially head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks, and from 1989 to 1991 Federal Minister of the Interior.

Since the assassination attempt on him by a mentally disturbed man in October 1990, Schäuble has been in a wheelchair, but his political career has continued. From 1991 to 2000 he led the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. In 1998 Schäuble became CDU party leader. Angela Merkel became Secretary General.

In February 2000, Schäuble resigned as CDU leader. Merkel became party leader and, as chancellor, made Schäuble interior minister in 2005 and finance minister four years later.

After the 2017 federal election, Schäuble was elected President of the Bundestag, the second highest office in the state. Schäuble was denied the highest office in the state, that of Federal President.

After the 2021 federal election, which the CDU/CSU lost, Schäuble withdrew from the leadership committees, but remained a member of parliament. In his speech as Senior President – the MP with the most years of service – he promoted open discourse and self-confident MPs.

Dismay, sadness and respectful memories: The death of Wolfgang Schäuble affected many people. The Chancellor also speaks out.

He was Federal Minister of the Interior, Federal Minister of Finance, a member of the German Bundestag for 50 years and even its President from 2017 to 2021: Wolfgang Schäuble has played a key role in shaping German politics over the past decades. Former Chancellor Angela Merkel once said of him: “Wolfgang Schäuble is a stroke of luck for German and European politics.” After his death Political friends and competitors reach out with tributes and condolences. An overview.

Companions mourn Wolfgang Schäuble

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD): “Wolfgang Schäuble shaped our country for more than half a century: as a member of parliament, minister and President of the Bundestag. With him, Germany is losing a sharp thinker, passionate politician and controversial democrat. My thoughts are with his family today.”

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD): Schäuble was a “stroke of luck for German history”. “With Wolfgang Schäuble we have lost a great person and passionate politician who achieved historic things for our country,” Steinmeier wrote to the widow Ingeborg Schäuble. “A rich life has now come to an end – the work of this outstanding statesman and person will endure. We will not forget Wolfgang Schäuble. He has rendered outstanding services to Germany and Europe.” Politics was Schäuble’s “elixir of life,” Steinmeier continued. Nobody in the history of the Federal Republic has been a member of the Bundestag longer than him.

President of the Bundestag Bärbel Bas (SPD): “Very sad news,” says Schäuble’s successor as head of parliament, describing the death announcement on the X platform. “My thoughts are with his family and friends. My sincere condolences.”

CDU-Boss Friedrich Merz: The news fills him with great sadness, Merz writes on

CSU chairman Markus Söder: The CSU is mourning Schäuble, explains the Bavarian Prime Minister on “The CSU will honor his memory.”

Green Party leader Omid Nouripour: “He was a giant of parliamentarism and a defining figure for our country for decades. His place in the history books is certain. My thoughts are with his wife and children. They will miss him. We will all miss him.”

AfD chairman Tino Chrupalla: “Wolfgang Schäuble shaped federal politics and the German Bundestag for decades. He bore the consequences of a serious assassination attempt with dignity, tolerance and a sense of duty. In personal conversations he was always open and friendly. My deepest condolences to his family!”

“His commitment to Berlin as the capital was historic”

Dietmar Bartsch, last co-leader of the left-wing faction in the Bundestag: “Wolfgang Schäuble was an outstanding democrat. Our positions were often diametrically opposed. His commitment to Berlin as the capital was historic. In the last week of the meeting he said to me: ‘It goes up and down in politics, always think about yourself. ‘ RIP”

Central Council of Jews in Germany: “We mourn the loss of Wolfgang Schäuble. He dedicated his life to the service of our country and was a close friend of the Jewish community in Germany. Our thoughts are with his family.”

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SDP): “With Wolfgang Schäuble, we are losing one of the most important democrats in our republic. He was a great statesman and embodied democratic post-war Germany like few others. As the then Federal Minister of the Interior, he was an architect of unity. His word carried great weight. My deepest condolences go out to his wife , his children and his entire family. We mourn the loss of a great personality who will be greatly missed by us and our country.”

CDU federal treasurer Julia Klöckner: “Wolfgang Schäuble was an exceptional person, an impressive thinker and speaker, a loyal and critical colleague. He shaped our country as a minister, as President of the Bundestag, as a politician who conscientiously fulfilled his duty and service.”

Former Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU): “Europe is losing a great statesman. I am losing my most important mentor and a fatherly friend. My thoughts are with his family. Rest in peace, Wolfgang Schäuble.”

CDU politician Lukas Kilian: The transport policy spokesman for the state parliamentary group in Schleswig Holstein pays tribute to Schäuble with an anecdote. “When I ran for the state parliament for the first time in 2017, Wolfgang Schäuble came to support me. The visitors’ forum in Glinde was packed. Schäuble joked and massively exceeded the end time set by his office,” writes Kilian on X. “An unforgettable evening.” While he himself went home late, Schäuble still had to travel to Berlin. At breakfast he saw him live on the morning magazine on ARD and ZDF. “He didn’t spare himself. For me, Wolfgang Schäuble is and remains living history, a convinced European and an upright democrat! May he rest in peace.”

Note: This article will be continually updated with reactions.


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