With “twice as many people as expected this summer”, the food hall has been able to readjust

“We were turned on at the start but that’s it, we’re used to it. “Nearly four months after the opening, this restaurateur breathes. It must be said that the beginnings of Magmaa, the highly anticipated food hall on the island of Nantes, where it occupies one of the nine kitchen corners, were made at top speed. “There were twice as many people as expected in July and August, with days at 1,800 or even more than 2,000 people, reports this Thursday Jean-Marc Dantard, director of operations of the establishment, which offers 500 places seated. It was beyond our goals, with sometimes 50 or 100 people queuing. We had to do a lot of operational work, double the dishes, improve the cash register system…”

Since the start of the school year, the people in charge of the place assure it: with an attendance deemed always satisfactory of a thousand people on average, six days a week but especially on weekends, the worries are settled and the mayonnaise has taken hold at home. Magmaa. The waiting time is now “8 to 12 minutes” and the prices, sometimes considered excessive by some, have been readjusted in order to capture a wider audience. On all stands now, a 10% reduction for students is offered, for example, and restaurateurs have revised their evening menu. “We offer more small portions, easier to share with friends but also more affordable, around 6 euros, says Guillaume Maccotta, of the bistronomic restaurant French touch. At lunchtime, for our business clientele, we remain on a more classic formula. »

New restaurants in the spring

After the launch of brunches for families on Sunday mornings and non-stop service (11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.) for some of the stands, Magmaa still wants to diversify to attract more customers, and not just at mealtimes. “We are going to look for a public of companies who would like to privatize spaces, especially in the morning, with a breakfast offer”, illustrate its managers.

And for those who are already part of the “many regulars” of the hall, new things are in preparation: after the imminent launch of the new autumn menu, new restaurants still focused on world cuisine will be tested from spring, with the renewal of the three ephemeral corners.

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