With a brilliant heart, nothing is impossible, Al.Hy returns with “A great thing”

“I dreamed my career more than I lived it,” concedes Al.Hy. So barely legal when she was revealed in The Voice in 2012, the artist had the click two years ago, during his participation in the “all stars” edition of the telecrochet of TF1. Everyone imagined her as a finalist but she had to bow out during the “cross battles”. “It was not my moment and that does not mean that there will not be other opportunities, she relativized at the time with 20 minutes. It’s something that happens and we can see it as something that has transformed us and that will give us energy. »

While his third album, a big thing, released this Friday, she would not change a word to this observation at the time. This disappointment “made it possible to trigger the continuation of [sa] career “. From now on, the one who, in the civil status, is called Ophélie Moisan, knows what she seeks to defend through her music: “I exist as a representation of difference and of all possibilities. I bring together a wide variety of things that one might think are impossible to combine. »

“Whirlwinds are the essence of existence”

The twelve titles of the album indeed constantly oscillate between French chanson and more pointed grooves, managing to establish bridges between ballads, electro pop, variety and bossa nova. Al.Hy wrote and composed most of the tracks. “I gave myself a lot of freedom. I was very stressed when putting the songs together, like an alchemist who doesn’t know if his potion will work. When I pressed play, I found that the diversity was very beautiful and in the image of life which unites everything and its opposite. It is important to represent the eddies, it is the essence of existence. »

This album was announced a year and a half ago by Come get me. Her real calling card although she already had two albums to her credit. “I felt like I could finally introduce myself. It’s a song I wrote. It was important for me since I had already shown my qualities in the interpretation”, underlines the artist who, in the lyrics sings: “I live in the Moon, I do not understand people. “She develops:” When I was little, I believed that one had deposited me on Earth for an experiment. Every evening, I told my days to a small camera that I imagined hanging at the top of a wall. My imagination was in full swing. Growing up, I realized that aliens were other people. Each person is an extraterrestrial in themselves, a mysterious being…”

“Writing simply while remaining poetic is the hardest thing”

His inspiration is philosophical. “The questions I ask myself become songs,” says Al.Hy. However, for this album, she preferred to turn her back on metaphors and convoluted formulas to convey her messages in a more intelligible way. “Writing simply while remaining poetic is the hardest thing,” she points out.

The author, composer and performer also adds a director’s cap to her CV. She co-directed the music video for girlfriends, released this Friday. “For the occasion, I also created choreographies, I didn’t know I could do that,” she enthuses. This experience made me want to do more directing in the future. For her, this involvement reflects her desire to control her artistic and aesthetic universe. “I know the dangers of this aspect of me, she slips. But the more you trust your opinion, the less reluctant you are about what others have to suggest. Al.Hy has definitely finished dreaming about his career. She builds it.

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