Wirecard process: Braun is silent, his lawyer scolds – economy


Jan Diesteldorf and Stephan Radomsky, Munich/Frankfurt

That a criminal defense lawyer finds everything wrong in the indictment – given. That’s what he gets paid for. But Alfred Dierlamm goes even further on Monday, much further. His client Markus Braun, the former head of the collapsed Wirecard Group, was made the main culprit without reason and wrongly: by the public prosecutors, by the “alleged key witness” Oliver Bellenhaus, by the Bundestag investigative committee, by the court, by the insolvency administrator. The indictment showed “severe investigative errors and deficits in the investigation”, it was “one-sided, incomplete, not reliable”. The procedure was “a shambles”. There is only one way out: the whole process has to be suspended and the investigations have to be completely reopened.

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