Wirecard: Has Markus Braun still hidden millions? – Business

The former Wirecard boss is still in custody after more than three years. An important reason for this: The court suspects that he could still have a previously unknown fortune worth millions. His defense attorney rejects this.

When someone goes on a trip, they need money. The judges in the Wirecard trial also know this – and that is why, among other things, they are keeping the former boss Markus Braun in custody. The presiding judge Markus Födisch and his colleagues suspect that Braun still has a well-hidden and previously unknown fortune worth millions. This is said to be in a foundation that is probably located in Switzerland, but a lot of information about which has so far been missing and which the authorities have not yet been able to track down. This is what it says in the decision with which the court rejected Braun’s release from custody in late summer and which the Southgerman newspaper could now see.

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