Winks, challenges and happenings… We tell you about this day of general policy speeches at the Assembly

In the National Assembly,

The Assembly now installed, serious things begin for the deputies this week. And this Wednesday, it was time for the government’s general policy statement… without a vote of confidence, but a few days before a first motion of censure. 20 minutes therefore dragged his gaiters through the corridors of the Palais-Bourbon all day.

The rebellious in a hurry

It was almost on the evening of the second round of the legislative elections that certain rebellious deputies announced that they wanted to quickly file a motion of censure against the government… Leaving the other components of the Nupes for a long time more circumspect. Valérie Rabault, socialist deputy with limited Nupian enthusiasm, was on Monday evening rather unfavorable to such an initiative. Finally, on Tuesday, the groups of the union of the left announced the joint filing of such a motion, ripped off as a “motion of no confidence”. Socialists, ecologists and communists have their arms been twisted?

“It’s more complicated than that”, explains a collaborator of a left-wing group. Basically, the deputies of the non-LFI Nupes were largely in favor of a motion of censure. But “they told the rebels in intergroups to stop putting everyone in front of a fait accompli by learning things on Twitter”. So, at the very least, it messes up. “We learn to work together”, we say on all sides. “Everyone, press, parliamentarians, commentators, we must take into account that Parliament will function again as an adult democracy. It is normal that there are this kind of initiatives and debate, ”judges the green deputy Benjamin Lucas. In short, it will take some getting used to.

The slightly uncomfortable happening

A few deputies from the Nupes – especially rebellious – have made an appointment this Wednesday for a “happening” place du Palais-Bourbon, around 1 p.m. Under a hot sun, some journalists were able to attend the “marriage” between a fake Marine Le Pen and a fake Emmanuel Macron. Then, in the process, to the “burial” of the Republican front. Let’s not hide behind our little finger: the discomfort was not far away. Moreover, if we imagine that these deputies had their initiative validated, the rebellious or Nupes headliners preferred not to interrupt their lunch: Sandrine Rousseau only spent a few minutes and François Ruffin, present, s is kept away.

Basically, the intention of these elected officials was to make an allegory of the events of last week, which saw 200 deputies from the right and macronists vote for RN candidates for the vice-presidency of the National Assembly. A stone of course in the garden of the majority, where this gesture has sometimes disturbed. In the garden of the RN, too. Because in this fragmented Hemicycle, everyone tries to pass on the mistigri of the possible blockage. The Nupes seems to want to send the RN – which until then has overplayed the constructive side – to the opposition camp, which is very or too conciliatory with Emmanuel Macron. Perhaps it will be necessary to change the method to get the message across.

The RN is not in the majority!

The National Rally, all in its normalization strategy, has multiplied goodwill gestures since the legislative elections to avoid the blocking of the Assembly. Sébastien Chenu, for example, regularly repeated that his group was “responsible”: “We are not here to break the machine, we are here to make proposals. “So obviously, there is no question of voting for the motion of censure presented by the left. Except that far from a leftist firebrand, the Nupes has decided to present a text that is not very marked, almost technical. History of forcing the other oppositions to position themselves on a kind of “non-confidence” in the government more than on the program of Nupes. Is the position of the RN still tenable?

Yes, says Jean-Philippe Tanguy, who relativizes the choice of the RN behind a question of “timing”. Not to vote for censure, “it’s not a question of substance, it’s the question of finally putting the National Assembly to work”. For the deputy of the Somme, bringing down the government now would mean backing off the much-awaited measures for purchasing power: “People are starting to scream on the ground, they don’t understand why it’s taking so long . And to warn: if the government behaves badly during the examination of the texts which arrives, the question of censorship will arise in its group.

Clarification all the same, Jordan Bardella specifies that if the question of confidence had been asked, his deputies and deputies would have voted against. “We are not allies of the presidential majority,” even claimed Sébastien Chenu on Tuesday morning. Keeping the leadership of anti-macronism while embodying a respectable and constructive opposition, quite a challenge.

Objections taken to witness

It is one of the little oratory finds of the Prime Minister which has been noticed. During her speech, Elisabeth Borne methodically quoted the presidents of the groups, in a nod to their interviews last week. “It’s a way of getting the different groups wet, of suggesting that we’ve been beaten and therefore that by opposing, we’re playing a double game”, analyzes MP LR Philippe Gosselin. The president of his group, Olivier Marleix, was also quoted first: “We can’t draw any particular conclusions from this”, affirms the deputy from La Manche, who only sees this as a “rhetorical artifice, let’s not fall in this easily stretched panel”.

Mathilde Panot, for insubordinate France, and Marine Le Pen, of the National Rally, do not have the right to the honors of the citation. This provokes the ire of the left. The rebellious Aurélie Trouvé is of course “shocked by this extremely dangerous little game of the trivialization of the far right”. For her, “the macronie brings down the dikes day after day” with the RN. The indignation is widely shared in Nupes. The ecologist Benjamin Lucas is “not a member of LFI” but experienced this assimilation “as an insult to our values ​​and our history”. The socialist Arthur Delaporte sees there “a way to play on a republican connivance by excluding LFI. This nameless government blindness led to the election of 89 RN deputies”.

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