Will certain streets be named after glaciers that have collapsed?

Is it a proposal that will be formulated at a future municipal council or a simple idea launched on the fly? In Lyon, the deputy in charge of public spaces, Valentin Lungenstrass suggested, on Monday, to baptize certain future city streets with the name of glaciers which have recently collapsed, starting with Marmolada (Italy) and Juuku.

While some Internet users told the elected official that the idea was “ridiculous”, others recalled that the glaciers of the French Alps were also suffering the consequences of climate change.

Last week, the collapse of the Marmolada glacier, the highest peak in the Italian Alps, caused the death of 11 people. More recently, on Sunday in Kyrgyzstan, part of the Juuku Glacier broke off to fall into the gorges below. A group of 9 British hikers was caught in an avalanche but the toll is less heavy. Only two of them were slightly injured.

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