Why is the iPhone 12 threatened with a recall? – Health

The French regulatory authority ANFR on Tuesday asked Apple to withdraw its iPhone 12 mobile phone, which has been on sale for three years, from the market due to increased radiation levels. If Apple does not correct the values ​​with an update “as quickly as possible,” the devices in circulation in France would also have to be recalled. Since, according to the Federal Network Agency, the procedure in France has a “leading function for Europe as a whole”, there could also be a recall in Germany.

As the French authorities said, she had 141 cell phones examined in a laboratory. With direct physical contact, for example in the hand or trouser pocket, the radiation levels were 5.74 watts per kilogram, with a maximum of four allowed. Other limit values ​​were adhered to. The so-called SAR value was determined. Cell phones use electromagnetic fields to transmit voice and data. The SAR value indicates how much of the energy emitted by them is absorbed by the body. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection regularly asks manufacturers about the SAR values ​​of cell phones sold in Germany. Values ​​below one watt per kilogram of body weight are stored in its database for all iPhone 12 models, both for measuring on the body and at a distance of 0.5 centimeters. According to ANFR, the phone complied with the limit of two watts per kilogram at a distance of half a centimeter.

Upon request, Apple said that the iPhone 12 had been “certified by multiple international bodies and recognized as compliant with global SAR regulations and standards.” Results from our own and independent laboratories have been submitted to the ANFR, which prove compliance. “Apple disagrees with the findings of the AFNR review and will continue to work with the agency to demonstrate compliance.”

The SAR limits are well below levels of radiation that could cause harm, says medical physics professor Malcolm Sperrin. He considers it unlikely that a slight exceeding of the limit values ​​will cause health damage. In general, despite a lot of research, there is still no conclusive evidence of health problems caused by cell phones, apart from possible disturbed sleep after long-term use. This is emphasized by his colleague Ian Scivill from the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. Even after many years of use by many people, there is no evidence of a higher risk of cancer, headaches or reduced mental performance.

With material from the Science Media Center.

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