Why Frank-Walter Steinmeier is visiting Qatar at short notice

Federal President in Qatar
Why Frank-Walter Steinmeier is on a short-term flying visit to Doha

Qatar, Doha: Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, welcomes Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in front of the Emir’s palace

© Bernd von Jutrczenka / DPA

First Israel, then Oman – now Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is visiting Qatar at short notice. A difficult partner, but also an important mediator between Israel and Hamas.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier seemed a bit lost – even his wife had left him. All other passengers were in after landing Doha already got off the Air Force Airbus. Only the Federal President had to wait in the plane door for the officials who were supposed to greet him at the foot of the gangway.

The honorary formation had lined up, the red carpet had been rolled out, even the limousine with the standards was waiting to leave in the heat of the desert state. But it was only after almost 30 minutes that the Federal President was able to set foot on Qatari soil – an unusual start to an already difficult visit. But the end should be better than the beginning.

Steinmeier first traveled to Israel on Sunday, then to Oman. At short notice he had added a flying visit to Doha to the program. Qatar is an important player in the Middle East, currently particularly in mediating between Israel and Hamas. And even as Federal President, Steinmeier never stopped feeling a bit like Foreign Minister. Of course not in competition with the responsible minister and the chancellor, with whom he coordinated before his departure – he probably sees himself more as a complement. Qatar is a difficult partner. The emir’s family dominates politics. The human rights situation, which received particular attention around the controversial 2022 Football World Cup, continues to be criticized.

Nevertheless, relations with Germany have become closer in recent years. Qatar helped the Bundeswehr withdraw from Afghanistan in 2021. The Emir has visited Berlin repeatedly, most recently shortly after the Hamas attack. He also only met Steinmeier at the beginning of October. People know each other – just as Steinmeier has known many players in the region for a long time. From Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the Sultan of Oman and even the Emir of Qatar.

Critics say that with its close ties to the emirate, Germany is becoming increasingly dependent in terms of energy policy. After Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine and the supply stop for Russian gas, Economics Minister Robert Habeck and Chancellor Olaf Scholz traveled to Doha to facilitate supply contracts for LNG. From 2026 onwards, up to two million tonnes of liquid gas will be brought to Germany by ship every year.

Federal President Steinmeier is hoping for good news

Hamas’ October 7 attack and Israel’s war in Gaza have once again placed Qatar in a mediating position. Prime Minister Muhammad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani is considered the man who, together with the USA, brought about the first ceasefire. “We have at least managed to create a positive dynamic,” Al Thani told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” at the beginning of the week. Now he hopes that the situation will even calm down in the end even a peace solution can be achieved. “I think what really sets us apart is the persistence with which we keep trying. We don’t give up easily.”

This upgrading of Qatar in international politics has demanded a lot from Germany. Shortly before the Emir’s visit to Berlin at the beginning of October, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock chose harsh words: States like Qatar, which had supported Hamas, had “made it very clear that they have a responsibility to now clearly stand up to this most brutal terror offer”. As “Spiegel” recently reported, she then had to be informed that Qatari aid payments were coordinated with Israel and the USA and were subject to strict controls. That’s why Baerbock expressed himself in a much friendlier manner after the meeting with the Emir.

Steinmeier hopes for more hostages to be released

Another reason is obvious: to free the hostages kidnapped by Hamas and other kidnappers, including around 15 German citizens, people in Berlin are also dependent on the emirate’s help. Prime Minister Al Thani dismisses allegations of close ties to Hamas. “We don’t take seriously the people who criticize us publicly and ask for help behind closed doors.” Even Israel has repeatedly asked for support in recent years to ensure peace in Gaza. And with regard to the federal government, he says: “We have good relations with Germany. The cooperation with the Chancellery in particular works very well.” Not a word from the Foreign Office.

When Steinmeier returns from his meeting and lunch with the Emir, he appears serious but cautiously confident. The two men sat together for an hour and a half, and in private for about half an hour. He paid Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani his “express thanks” for the efforts to free the hostages, especially the German citizens. Eleven of them are now back in Israel. And, the Federal President added: “I hope that we can expect more good news in the next few days.”


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