Why do you watch BFMTV and CNews (which do historic audiences)?

Historic scores in terms of audience for non-stop news channels, one year before the presidential election! Médiamétrie published the TV audiences for the month of June on Monday, allowing an assessment of the 2020-2021 season, carried out by the appetite of the French for the small screen. With the end of the curfew, the latter spent less time on it in June: the overall listening time stood at 3:27 on average per day and per person, 16 minutes less than last May and until June 2020. However, the success of news channels, boosted since the start of the health crisis, has not been denied.

BFMTV thus gained 0.3 point audience share (PDA) compared to June 2020, to 2.8%, and 0.2 point compared to May 2021. Over the period September 2020-June 2021, its PDA climbed to 2.9% from 2.7% the previous season, the highest since its inception in 2005, and 1.1 points above CNews’ score.

Are you a regular viewer of non-stop news channels? If yes, why ? BFMTV, CNews, LCI, or franceinfo, which continuous news channel do you prefer? Why ? How long a day and when do you watch this type of channel? Tell us what you like or annoy you in the 24/7 news channels. You can testify using the form below. Your answers will be used for writing an article.

CNews’ highly commented breakthrough

The news channel CNews has made a well-commented breakthrough in the French audiovisual landscape, signing the strongest progression of the season, without dethroning its rival BFMTV for the time being. With 1.8% of PDA in September-June, the news channel of the Canal + group, a subsidiary of Vivendi, controlled by Vincent Bolloré, also recorded a historic season, tripling its audience since its launch in 2017 (via the transformation of ‘iTELE), and posting the best progress over the season, (+0.7 points compared to 2019-2020).

Without matching its record in May (2.2%), the month in which it exceeded BFMTV for the first time, over eight days, CNews gained 0.6 points in June compared to June 2020 for 2.1% of PDA , surpassing the chain of the Altice group on three occasions.

Explanation and decryption vs free speech and opinions

What to worry about BFMTV? “We are on different registers”, answers Marc-Olivier Fogiel, general manager of the chain. CNews is according to him “a channel of opinion, of debates” while BFMTV is a channel of “field with information, explanation, decryption”. “We have always worked calmly, being confident in the strength and relevance of our model,” he added.

“We are just different,” said his CNews counterpart Serge Nedjar, praising “free speech, direct tone and opinions with an” S “” in an interview with Figaro. “We have been vilified by our competitors” and today “everyone is multiplying the debates”, he argues, linking the success of his channel to his personalities who are not “givers of lessons”.

CNews has seen its audiences take off since the recruitment of Eric Zemmour in October 2019. Its multiple slippages have pushed the CSA to crack down, including a fine of 200,000 euros reported in March to the channel for “incitement to hatred” and “to violence ”after his comments on unaccompanied minor migrants.

LCI and franceinfo are struggling to win

The CSA also recently pinned CNews for having given too much voice to the candidate of the RN for the regional elections in Ile-de-France, Serge Nedjar pleading a “misunderstanding”. At a time when employees of Europe 1 are worried about the planned mergers with the chain, Serge Nedjar ensures that it “does not roll for anyone, neither party nor politician”.

Faced with the BFMTV-CNews duel, the other two news channels are struggling to win: LCI lost 0.1 point over one year for a PDA of 1.1% in June, while franceinfo gained 0.1, to 0 , 7%.

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