Why do women live longer than men?

It is a universal phenomenon: the gap varies from one country to another, but everywhere in the world, women live on average a little longer than men. This phenomenon has long intrigued and while it is not fully explained, many hypotheses have been formulated. But before getting to the heart of the subject, let’s recall what life expectancy is.

Life expectancy at birth, what is it?

The term is constantly mentioned, but sometimes misunderstood. In 2023, the life expectancy of French men and women was 80 and 86 years respectively. This means that according to the death statistics of 2023, the average life expectancy of a child born that year would be this if these statistics remained the same throughout his life. If a war, famine or serious epidemic breaks out in 2030, life expectancy will everyone will decrease. On the other hand, if researchers who are trying to slow down, stop or even reverse the biological process of aging succeed in 2040, your baby’s life expectancy could jump by several decades, if not several centuries.

This indicator is useful, but therefore does not have the value of a prophecy. In this case, what is the point of looking at these figures? Because they allow us to observe the evolution past of our longevity, and therefore to measure the impact of our actions… whether it is progress in medicine or deadly conflicts. In 1740, life expectancy was estimated at 24 years for a French man and 26 years for a French woman. In 1950, it was still only 63 and 69 years respectively. The least we can say is that we have already gained precious time, but be careful: the two World Wars, for example, caused a short-lived but brutal decline in our longevity.

What these figures also reveal to us is that in all circumstances, French women enjoy life a little longer than French men.

The lifestyle in question

If the adage says “woman at the wheel, death around the bend”, the reality is closer to This recent road safety slogan : “driving like a woman means only one thing, staying alive”. It is true that these gentlemen abuse alcohol (including while driving) and tobacco more than these ladies. Similarly, they generally inherit the most physically demanding jobs, which are known to reduce longevity. It is also observed that women often pay more attention to their diet than men.

The lifestyle hypothesis should be taken with a grain of salt, however: among our cousins ​​the great apes, who cannot be said to be heavy drinkers or factory workers, females also experience more spring than males.

What is also unknown, due to the lack of statistics before the 18th century, is whether human women have always lived longer or if the phenomenon is recent, therefore linked to circumstances. In France and Sweden, women have dominated since life expectancy was measured at birth, but in the United States, gentlemen had the advantage until 1890.

Biological factors considered

We are therefore inevitably tempted to look towards biology. Scientists remain cautious, but the following hypotheses have been put forward:

  • Having two X chromosomes would provide women with a kind of “backup” of certain genes that are likely to be damaged.
  • Women’s heart rates increase during the second half of their menstrual cycle: some assume that this is a reflection of… more physical exercise and thus reduces the risk of cardiovascular events.
  • Men are on average larger than women, which means a higher cell count (and therefore more unfortunate mutations) and greater energy requirements (and therefore faster tissue breakdown).
  • The distribution of fat in men’s bodies is different than in women’s: because of this, age-related excess weight could be more harmful in men.
  • Testosterone, present in significant quantities in men, would increase the risks of cardiovascular accidents and hypertension. In the past, it was also noted that eunuchs, who produce little testosterone, lived much longer than their non-castrated counterparts. In addition, this hormone would tend to increase the frequency of risky behaviors (aggressiveness, lack of caution).

In any case, privileging biological hypotheses is not a reason to drive drunk. And to better understand how life expectancy at birth is calculated, go to on the INSEE website.

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