Why do they all want to go “shit in the Seine” on June 23?

On Thursday, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, vowed to succeed where Jacques Chirac had failed, namely to take a dip in the Seine. No choice for the chosen one, who must prove to the whole world that the Parisian river can safely host several swimming events during the Olympic Games. Except that the exorbitant cost of the installations to make the Seine swimmable makes many people cringe. So, to express all the good things they think of this initiative, thousands of posts on

“They got us into shit, it’s their turn to get into our shit.” » This is the slogan taken up by the people, groups and collectives who made #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin a wickedly viral trend on X.

” To arms, citizens ! »

“The return of poop as a revolutionary weapon,” welcomes Paul. ” To arms, citizens ! Form your battalions! », adds Lili. “The important thing is to come and shit,” assures Regan, parodying Pierre de Coubertin’s famous Olympic motto. There even exists a poster to announce the eventcalled “Crotte en Seine”, with an appointment set at the Pont Marie.

And for those who would like to participate but who are not Parisians, there is the solution. “The average flow of the Seine is 2 km/h. If you live in Rouen (240 km from Paris by the Seine), you will have to shit 120 hours (i.e. 5 days) before June 23,” calculated@Debunk_gogoles. “So, your turd is not a salmon, it will not go upstream”, warns however Sarah.

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We’ll spare you the hundreds of images, videos or GIFs used to illustrate the craze around this hashtag. But the funniest photo, and undoubtedly the softest, is perhaps the one representing toilets installed “on the banks of the Seine” by “the City of Paris” to “counter the #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin” operation.

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