Why bird watching relaxes and makes you mentally fitter

Many people intuitively enjoy listening to birds. Studies even show that those who devote all their senses to birds are less stressed and mentally fitter. The first initiatives are now using observation therapeutically. But it can also be easily integrated into everyday life.

The trilling of a blackcap warbles from a bush, and on a branch a chaffinch marks its territory with a sharp “rain call”. The song of a chiffchaff begins in time with a metronome. The wood pigeon adds the bass with its “hu-hu-hu–hu-hu”.

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“Oh, that’s beautiful,” exclaims a young woman who is taking part in a bird walk in Berlin’s Tiergarten that evening. A bookshop specializing in nature is selling it. Can you put the sounds into words? “That sounds like running water,” comes from the group about the willow warbler, “like clockwork,” someone describes the “zi-zi-zi” of the great tit.

Others in the group simply stand there in silence and enjoy the evening bird concert with a pensive expression on their faces. At the end of the walk, everyone agrees: it was good to step out of everyday life for an hour and a half and listen to the birds while walking in the middle of the big city.

Bird song has an amazing effect on the soul

The fact that nature observer Johanna Romberg from the “The joys of birdwatching” is by no means just a subjective feeling. In recent years, several scientific studies have shown how good it is for mental health to turn to the birds and listen to them.

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