Why are there giant letters on a city street?

Since the beginning of September, the inhabitants of Ivry-sur-Seine have been surprised to find giant letters in the heart of their city. It is the work of the Franco-Swiss artist
Agnes Thurnauer, titled Matrix / Ivry, which merges into the passage of Square de la Minoterie. Why letters? “The question of language has accompanied me since my childhood probably due to a personal experience with my older brother who did not speak,” adds the artist. Thus, for me, language has always been a space for openness and sharing with others, ”explains Agnès Thurnauer.

Installed in three days, the work consists of 20 bronze pieces, installed at seat height and a reference to the Greek forums where citizens could sit down to discuss. A way of inviting residents and passers-by to reclaim the space around them.

The work will be officially inaugurated on Saturday October 2 at 6 p.m. in Ivry-sur-Seine, passage du Square de la Minoterie.

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