Why are publishers giving away their content to Google and Facebook? – Culture

The first big mistake made by publishers was putting texts online for free. If professional journalism is to survive, they must avoid a second.

Not everything was better in the past, not even really different. For example, did the good old days really exist, when unlimited pluralism and media diversity existed? Freedom of the press, found the founding publisher of the 1965 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Paul Sethe, is “the freedom of two hundred rich people to spread their opinions”. But, and this is the difference to today: the visibility on the market of opinions was the same for everyone. Anyone who wanted to founded a newspaper or magazine. The only conditions were the existence of printing machines and a functioning sales force. After that, the newspaper license was also the license to print money for decades. The companies and brands ran into the advertising departments, the newspapers swelled to volumes as thick as logs with advertising. This secured the basis for good and expensive journalism. And with that, by the way, also the basis for a pluralistic society.

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