Who wants to (very officially) graffiti an ugly bridge?

Are you a graffiti artist and you are fed up with the underground, dilapidated warehouses and train station walls? A maxi-spot opens its arms to you: 64 meters long, just that. This is the – for the moment very ugly – retaining wall of the Pont Guiheméry hopper in Toulouse, on the banks of the
Canal du Midi.

The town hall and the metropolis have decided to host there, on an experimental but permanent basis, a “mural”. The work, individual or collective, should be produced in 2022. All that remains is to find the street artists who will transcend this gray and dirty wall.

The call for projects launched by the two communities, in particular via social networks, poses only the condition of imagining a fresco with the heritage significance of the Canal du Midi and its classification at Unesco. The work can be figurative or abstract. Oh yes, and the author and his team must have the soul of a freshwater sailor since the fresco will have to be painted from the floating platform of the Canal du Midi cleaning boat. With non-polluting and easy-to-maintain paints of course. Applications close on October 1.

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