Who is Rémy Daillet, a conspiratorial figure involved in the kidnapping of a girl?

Rémy Daillet, 54, has become a figure of the conspiracy movement – DR

  • An international arrest warrant was issued on Tuesday against Rémy Daillet, a figure in the conspiracy movement, suspected of having contributed to the organization of the kidnapping of little Mia.
  • This 54-year-old man, who has gone into exile abroad, ensures that he is preparing a coup d’état in France and develops conspiracy theses in videos.
  • Refusing to detail the role he played in the operation, he believes that the 8-year-old girl was not kidnapped but returned to her mother who had lost custody of her.

His phone doesn’t stop ringing. “I ask you just a second because I believe that there is Europe 1 calling me,” says Remy Daillet as we asked him questions about his role in the kidnapping of Mia, 8 years old. This conspiratorial figure, who dreams of committing a coup d’état in France and seizing power, is the subject of an international arrest warrant issued this Tuesday by an investigating judge of the Jirs of Nancy. Justice suspects him of having participated in “the organization” of the kidnapping of the girl, on April 13, and of having put Lola, his mother, in touch with a woman who took them in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where they spent a night while the gendarmes were looking for them, indicates the public prosecutor of Nancy, François Pérain.

“Rémy Daillet appears as the main animator of the ‘movement'” which the five men arrested and indicted on Sunday claim for “kidnapping in an organized gang of a fifteen-year-old minor and criminal association”, adds the magistrate in a press release. Four suspects have since been remanded in custody. “It is absolutely outrageous. But they will be released, willingly or by force ”, promises the one who is“ determined to overthrow this power and replace its leaders ”. For this man, who fled France with his family, Mia was not kidnapped. “An abduction is when a child is taken from its family, it is not an abduction, it is a return of a child to the mother who asks for it. It is exactly the opposite. “

“A strange personality”

Before becoming a figure of conspiracy, Rémy Daillet had joined the Modem in Haute-Garonne before being excluded from the centrist party in 2010. “It was a strange personality who went to Modem like a meteorite”, recalls the lawyer Jean-Louis Forget, former president of the conference of the Bâtonniers who “clashed with him” at the time. “We didn’t agree on much,” he says. He could give the impression of being a bit of a myth. He lived in a somewhat incoherent world. “His father, Jean-Marie Daillet,” is a former deputy for La Manche, now deceased, but who was a personality of the centrist party, “continues Jean-Louis Forget. “Somewhere among the militants, this name gave it a certain legitimacy. He told people what they wanted to hear. His explosive personality questioned the members of the local Modem. “We didn’t know if we should attribute his wacky ideas to real convictions or if he was just unbalanced. “

On his website, he details the measures he would take if he succeeded in overthrowing the government. All the favorite themes of the conspiracy sphere are discussed: abolition of “almost all taxes”, cancellation of the wearing of the “scientifically useless” mask and of confinement, prohibition of “mass vaccination”, dismantling of 5G antennas, expulsion “without care “of” foreign delinquents “… He also intends to” stop the abusive placements of children “, an argument to which the mother of little Mia would have been sensitive. The latter began posting conspiratorial articles on Facebook after joining the “yellow vests” movement at the end of 2018. In April 2020, she denounced the Beatles who “made a deal with the devil”, the “link between the deadly waves of this 5G and this alleged virus ”, the“ notorious pedophile elites ”and the“ psychopaths [qui] have been kidnapping children with impunity for a long time ”.

French “illegitimate” justice

The young woman, who had lost custody of Mia last January, had come into contact on social networks with a certain “Bouga”. The latter then mobilized a team, made up of men claiming to be part of the anti-system movement, to recover the child who was with his maternal grandmother in a village in the Vosges. How was the operation prepared? On this point, Rémy Daillet is mysterious and is content to congratulate people “who have the courage to fight and do things like that”. According to our information, the members of this team had been for several weeks in the crosshairs of the investigators of the DGSI who suspected them of instigating violent actions against the State and the “system” in general. They planned in particular to attack public buildings or vaccination centers. The information communicated to the gendarmes by the intelligence service enabled investigators to apprehend them quickly.

A refugee abroad today, Rémy Daillet dares to compare himself “to General de Gaulle in 42 in London”. Although wanted in the context of the Mia affair, he does not account for the French justice that he considers “illegitimate”. “It only operates within the very restricted framework of France. Fortunately, she has no power in the rest of the world, she will sit on her whims and get nothing because there are still free countries in the world. He is even convinced that, if he were one day condemned to prison, he would be erected as a “hero” by his admirers. Between two calls from journalists, he is still waiting for a phone call from the gendarmes. “They will be welcome, there is no problem.”

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