who is Marion, to whom is this Tuesday, October 25 episode of the series with Samuel Le Bihan dedicated?

His fans were impatiently awaiting it… This Tuesday, October 25, Alex Hugo is finally back with a salvo of new episodes. And if Samuel Le Bihan told Télé-Loisirs.fr that he was already thinking about the end of the series, several new adventures of the greenest cop in the PAF are already in the box. In tonight’s episode, “Bad Blood,” Alex Hugo finds a young man prostrate in the wreckage of a rusty car. He claims to be Léo Mélino, who disappeared seven years earlier when he was eleven years old. Angelo, who had participated in a fruitless search, is delighted that the teenager has been found. However, once the euphoria of the reunion has passed, listening to her story, Alex begins to cultivate some doubts. He then engages in an investigation of authenticity, while trying to keep a cool head on this affair which had strongly marked Angelo…

A pioneer in the world of filmmaking

A new episode on which Télé-Loisirs.fr gives you its opinion, and which is dedicated to Marion Sarraut. Director and director, the latter has had a most impressive career: she who started alongside François Truffaut, Eric Rohmer and Jean-Luc Godard also participated, alongside them, in the creation of Cahiers du cinema. Passionate, she became, in the 70s, one of the first directors of French television, and this, at the request of the leading television couple of the time, Maritie and Gilbert Carpentier. Indispensable on the small screen, she will subsequently produce numerous fictions, series and TV films, and will also stage plays.

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I feel like an orphan

On July 13, 2021, his family announced his death after a long battle with illness., in the night. from July 11 to 12, at the age of 82. Many personalities had then expressed their sadness, including Philippe Lellouche, who had paid him a vibrant tribute on social networks. “My so dear friend… You left last night, I feel like an orphan. You were the director of all my plays, and the director with whom I have worked the most… You are going so miss me. God bless you. I love you”, he had written. It is therefore to her that the episode of Alex Hugo, broadcast this evening, is dedicated, at the request of director Muriel Aubin…

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