who are the candidates in your constituency?

SEARCH ENGINE – 4,011 candidates will be in the running for the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, a drop of 36.3% compared to 2022. Discover the candidates in your constituency using our search engine.

More than 49.3 million French people will be called to the polls in 577 constituencies on June 30 and July 7 for the legislative elections. Given the context linked to the dissolution pronounced by the President of the Republic and the short campaign which followed, the candidates for deputy had until Sunday June 16 at 6 p.m. to submit their candidacy to the prefecture. The official lists were finally published by the Interior Ministry on Tuesday. 4,011 candidates will thus be in the running, or 2,282 fewer than in 2022. For comparison, Beauvau had 7,877 competitors in 2017.

This drop is easily justified by the difficulty for small political parties to get their electoral machinery up and running in just three weeks. The multiplication of alliances on both sides of the political spectrum is also an element of explanation. On the left, the New Popular Front extends from Philippe Poutou’s New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) to the Socialist Party (PS), including the Insoumis, the communists and the ecologists. On the right, around 70 constituencies see an alliance between the Republican fraction which supports Éric Ciotti and the National Rally (RN) while Reconquest! by Éric Zemmour presents only 330 candidates to promote “the architects of national unity”.

Who are the candidates in your constituency?

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Among the 577 outgoing deputies, the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Jean-Louis Bourlanges (MoDem), or the former Minister of Labor and leader of the pension reform, Olivier Dussopt (Renaissance), have already announced that they would not embark on a new electoral fight. The deputy of the 5e constituency of Paris, the ecologist Julien Bayou, also gave up. The latter was the target of an investigation for moral harassment and abuse of weakness following accusations from his former partner. Conversely, several ministers, including the Prime among them, Gabriel Attal, will try to keep their seats at the Palais Bourbon.

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