While bathing in the Würm: Beaver bites woman – Munich

She just wanted to cool off when the beaver attacked: A woman was injured while swimming in the Würm near Blutenburg on Thursday. According to the fire department, the woman had climbed into the river in the early evening, shortly before 7 p.m., to cool off. Then she noticed an animal next to her and wanted to get out of the water – but it was too late: She felt pain in her thigh and noticed that she was bleeding heavily. Passers-by helped the woman to the bank and called the emergency services. Others managed to photograph the animal swimming away: clearly a beaver.

The woman suffered a ten centimetre long laceration and a smaller bite wound, both on her left thigh. She was taken to a hospital for further treatment. The fire department points out in this context that even in the city, humans share their habitat with animals that can be quite defensive, especially when young ones are involved. In such cases, it is better to stay away.

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