Which red line remains? · ARD audio library

First only helmets for the Ukraine, now the main battle tank “Leopard” – although that was still considered taboo until recently. What does this shift say about German security policy? How is Germany’s self-image changing in the world? In this episode of 11KM we ask what the German arms deliveries of the past few months mean and what they say about Germany – with Kai Küstner, he is an expert on security policy in the ARD capital studio and host of the podcast “Armed Forces and Strategies”. With him we go in search of the one red line that remains. Here you can find the NDR Info Podcast “Armed Forces and Strategies” with Kai Küstner: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/streitkraefte-und-strategien-ukraine/7852196/ And here his article on the first visit to the troops by the new Defense Minister Boris Pistorius : https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/pistorius-truppenbesuch-bundeswehr-101.html Involved in this episode were: Author: Hans Christoph Böhringer Cooperation: Marc Hoffmann, Simon Schuling and Stephan Beuting Production: Fabian purpose and Viktor Veress Editorial management: Fumiko Lipp and Lena Gürtler 11KM: the tagesschau podcast is a production of BR24 and NDR Info

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