Where there is a strike in Bavaria on Tuesday – Bavaria

The Verdi union has announced warning strikes in daycare centers and hospitals in Bavaria. The deputy state district manager Sinan Öztürk said on Monday that the employers had not made a negotiable offer at the start of the nationwide collective bargaining round for the 2.5 million public sector employees of the municipalities and the federal government. Verdi demands 10.5 percent more salary, but at least 500 euros more per month for a period of twelve months. The second round of negotiations will take place on February 22nd and 23rd in Potsdam.

Until then, there will be work stoppages in clinics and daycare centers in Bavaria, as well as in city administrations, waterway and shipping offices, Verdi said. First actions are planned for Tuesday. Upper Bavaria is initially not on the warning strike plan.

The union points to high inflation and high workloads in the public sector due to vacancies. The Confederation of Local Employers’ Associations replied that wages in the public sector had risen faster than inflation over the past ten years. A high degree will ultimately burden the citizens more.

Parents’ councils of the city day-care centers in Munich, Olching, Ingolstadt and Nuremberg appealed to the collective bargaining partners to come to an agreement quickly and without strikes and blame. “We ask ourselves why these rituals of a traditional culture of debate are carried out again and again on our backs, we feel helpless!” They said in a press release. The income of the municipal budgets has not collapsed, and good pay can make educational professions more attractive.

In Würzburg, the trams are also canceled due to the warning strike on Tuesday. All five lines are affected throughout the day, as a spokeswoman for the Würzburg Supply and Transport GmbH (WVV) announced on Monday. Bus connections are also said to be partially canceled.

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