“When we have no offensive arguments” … The Canaries did not have the weapons in front

At Roazhon Park,

They did not have the weapons in front. Sunday, FC Nantes lost again during its trip to the lawn of Roazhon Park where Stade Rennais triumphed. Like last season, it was on a strike from Martin Terrier that Antoine Kombouaré’s men gave in, conceding their first defeat of the season in Ligue 1 with a score of 1-0. Bis repetita from last season? The Nantes coach swears not. “It had nothing to do with the last derby. Last year there were waves everywhere. There, it centers, it grows but Alban, he did not have much to do, ”said Antoine Kombouaré, necessarily disappointed with the result but visibly not defeated.

The Nantes coach even praised the courage of his team, clearly coming to play the draw. “I think we played a big game. We expected a match where we had to defend by advancing. We are punished. When we have no offensive arguments or less, we must be able to bring back the 0-0 ”, slipped the Kanak at the end of the match. Deprived of Randal Kolo Muani, injured, and a Moses Simon left injured at half-time, the Canaries have almost never managed to be dangerous in this derby. In the second half, Marcus Coco and Ludovic Blas were the only ones to project themselves. The former sometimes did too much, like his ridiculous simulation in the Rennes area at the very end of the match. As for the former Guingampais, he could (should?) Have opened the scoring in the first half with an offering from Moses Simon, without the intervention of a solid Alfred Gomis on his line.

“I hate to complain”

An almost nothing on the offensive plan which obviously worries the supporters, not at the idea of ​​seeing his best offensive weapons leave before the end of the transfer window. “I hate to complain. Randal and Moses, we know the importance and the strength of these two players. But it’s like that. When there are notable absentees, you have to compensate with more energy, ”said Kombouaré after this first defeat of this Ligue 1 season.

More than offensive sterility, it was more the overall attitude of the workforce that displeased. Not flawless on the strike of Martin Terrier, Alban Lafont had no real explanation for this total lack of revolt in this hot derby boiling in the stands. “We had a good first half but it was too poor technically. After the goal, we immediately lowered our heads. I felt that we could not go back, ”summed up the porter after the defeat. And the absent? “Randal is an important player and it hurt us (that he’s absent). But we have good players who must be present. We must not stop at individualities. We are going to need more character ”. It will be necessary in this new season where the fight for maintenance has perhaps already started for the Nantes.

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