What will you give to your child’s teacher?

It’s time for fairs, end-of-year shows and… prize pools for teachers. As the school year comes to an end, parents are anxiously scanning WhatsApp threads which are usually used to ask “homework for Tuesday” or if “is there a pool or athletics tomorrow for sports?” “. Whatever you do, it comes: the jackpot. Lyf, Leetchi, Lydia or Common Pot… It doesn’t matter, you have to give your donation to buy something from the teacher. And once the amount has been collected, you have to agree on the gift. Perishable flowers? Chocolates ? A book she won’t read? A personalized mug (“someone has a 3D printer”)? Vitamin D “so that he or she is less sick/absent next winter… just kidding”?

In short, it’s a headache for many parents. Especially since some exclude themselves from the system and prefer a personalized gift. And there, it can be one-upmanship: “Emma’s dad works at Chanel, he gives her a perfume for 100 bucks…”. Or on the contrary, there are parents who prefer that their child just draw a pretty drawing, or a little note.

A heavy, even painful trend

In any case, the trend in recent years has been towards more and more (and expensive) gifts. Thibaut Ringo, general manager of Altermundi, a site selling eco-responsible objects, has a range of products dedicated to these gifts for teachers and nannies: “Our sales of products on this theme have increased by 35% in three years”, he explains to BFM Business.

And you, what are you going to offer your child’s teacher? A group or personal gift? What budget do you allocate to it? A personal gift or something that makes everyone happy? Tell us, your answers will be used to write a future article.

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