What will the law on the vaccination pass, presented to the National Assembly on Monday, look like?

The vaccination pass from January 15 is the main provision of the bill “strengthening the tools for managing the health crisis”, before the National Assembly on Monday.

Indeed, article 1 of the text provides that proof of vaccination status for Covid-19 will be requested from people at least 12 years old, instead of the current health pass, to access leisure activities. , restaurants and drinking establishments (with the exception of collective catering), fairs, seminars and trade shows, and interregional public transport (planes, trains, coaches). In this case of transport, an exception is provided for: no need for a pass for “overriding family or health reasons” – a dying loved one for example – subject to presenting a negative test “except in the event of emergency ”.

In addition, by decision of the prefects, access to department stores or shopping centers may be subject to the vaccination pass.

Meetings and school trips in question

Employees in the sectors concerned will be required, under certain conditions, to have such a pass. A “proof of commitment to a vaccination schedule” may be sufficient, the time to receive the required doses.

A negative test for Covid-19 will be enough for 12-17 year olds for school trips to places subordinate to the next vaccination pass, voted the deputies in committee on Wednesday.

They also want to be able to adapt the gauges in the stadiums and halls, in proportion to their capacity.

Organizers of political meetings will be able to require a health pass from participants.

A “repentance” amendment for holders of false passes

To obtain the new vaccination pass, you will need a complete schedule (two doses or one, depending on the vaccine). A decree will specify the conditions under which a certificate of reinstatement may be valid.

The government should present in the hemicycle an amendment on “repentance”, that is to say people with false passes and wanting to be vaccinated.

A simple health pass (negative Covid test, complete vaccination certificate or recovery certificate) will remain valid for access to health establishments and medico-social services, except in emergencies, whether for the sick or their accompanying persons.

The vaccination pass must come into effect on January 15, but the prefects can adapt the date, in particular overseas where the vaccination rate is lower.

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