What to remember from “Live Presidential” TF1- “20 Minutes” with Jean-Luc Mélenchon

He was live from his campaign HQ, seated at a table he himself designed. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate of La France Insoumise in the presidential election, responded live on Instagram to questions from Internet users during the first “Live Presidential”
20 minutes*. Here’s what to remember!

Will you come back to the college and high school reform?

“I am hostile to the autonomy of institutions,” recalled the one who is leading the voting intentions on the left. “I do not agree with the fact that all young French people do not have the same qualification goals. “Wishing” to bring together the teaching of college and high school “, Jean-Luc Mélenchon also stressed that he would restore the vocational baccalaureate in four years” so that young people have time to learn their profession well “. He would do away with Parcoursup and continuous control at the bac.

“We must increase the number of places available in higher education according to the demands of young people,” he insisted. Finally, so that young people learn without having anything else to do next, ”the candidate promises a study allowance of 1,000 euros per student, which he would finance from inheritances. “Beyond 12 million, we take everything,” he explained.

Do you support the teachers’ strike against the school health protocol?

“People have been pushed to the limit,” said Jean-Luc Mélenchon in support of the teachers’ strike on Thursday. The mess is at its height given the proliferation of instructions that keep changing. We do not strike against a virus, we strike against its absurd management of the situation. “He also recalled that” from the beginning, France Insoumise has said that it is necessary to put air purifiers in the classrooms. “

If you want to see Jean-Luc Mélenchon advertise his air purifier, it’s in the video below that it happens:

Have you seen the movie “Don’t Look Up: Cosmic Challenge” and what did you think of it?

“Yes, I saw it,” smiles the candidate, who obviously enjoyed the film. Don’t Look Up: Cosmic Challenge. They found the right shape. What’s important is not the conclusion, it’s all the way. Society is so advanced in frivolity and the consumption of images that it is perfectly incapable of seeing a monstrous catastrophe arrive. This is the case today with climate change. If the film had such an impact, it is because millions of people are well aware that there is a gap between the situation and the image given by the media-political scene. “

“We must close all the ‘factory farms’. The animals are martyred there and they represent a danger”

What would be your main measure against animal abuse?

“The first measure to put in place is the closure of factory farms. The animals are martyred there. These farms are also kettles for viruses that create zoonoses [des maladies transmissibles entre les animaux et les hommes]. It is a danger! “Partisan of” beautiful breeding “, Jean-Luc Mélenchon also wishes” to remove the Ministry of Agriculture “to replace it with a” Ministry of Food Production “. “We will start by becoming sovereign again, producing what we can eat and above all producing healthy things”, summarized the candidate.

Do you still want to abrogate the health pass and allow unvaccinated caregivers to return to work?

“The health pass is an illusion of security,” says Jean-Luc Mélenchon. It is not false protection because people believe they are protected ”. Recalling that he is not antivax since he pleads for the lifting of patents, the rebellious pleads for a different organization, such as “not to send people to work at the same time”.

Regarding unvaccinated caregivers, Jean-Luc Mélenchon believes that “it is unrealistic to prevent them from working, because the system is already under tension. We will have to let people work in the hospital, on condition that they make sure by a test that they are not positive. When we proceed by force and we consider that “papa-government” knows better than “child-citizens”, that gives the mess and the violence that we have at the moment in Guadeloupe and Martinique. “

Is a union possible with Christiane Taubira?

“Yes, I could govern with it,” said Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “The day after the first round, I will suggest to those who want to come see us so that we can discuss the conditions under which we make a new majority. But we will have a base, a program, he says, recalling that he is still hostile to the popular primary. As for the idea of ​​appointing her Prime Minister, it is no. If he is in favor of the idea of ​​appointing a woman to this post, Jean-Luc Mélenchon explains that “the conduct of the government must be done by someone who assumes the coherence of the program”. He specifies that “several women in my parliamentary group are strong, like Mathilde Panot or Clémentine Autain. “

“My first measure as president will be towards the homeless”

What will be your first step if you are elected?

“I take my phone and I call whoever will be the high commissioner in charge of putting an end to the scandal of the homeless, these poor people abandoned by everyone and everyone. Then, a few days later, I will set the minimum wage by decree at 1,400 euros net. “

Will you come back to the ban on the sale of CBD flowers in France?

“Of course, since we are going to legalize cannabis!” Says Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Excessive consumption is bad, we must campaign against it. But to be able to do them, cannabis must be legalized with a state monopoly. The state will control distribution, which will stop trafficking. “

“I am absolutely against surrogacy”

Are you for or against surrogacy?

“I am absolutely against it. I don’t believe it can ever be ethical. Surrogacy consists in transforming the body of women into an instrument of production of human beings. The Insubordinate however recognizes a “contradiction”, since he is on the other hand in favor of “the regularization and an adoption process immediately possible for children born of surrogacy” abroad.

What is your position vis-à-vis China, especially on the question of the Uyghurs?

China “is a partner. They are 1.5 billion and produce for the entire planet. I am not in favor of the one-party regime, but I am not going to go to war with them to force them to have several parties. “Regarding the Uyghurs, the candidate refutes the term” genocide “, while saying” in solidarity with the battles against their repression and for their freedoms “.

* The “Live Presidential” continues! Subscribe to Instagram accounts @ 20minutesfrance and
@ tf1info to find out the name of the next candidate and the live date.

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