What the “Green Nugget” Elyne offers to accelerate the ecological transition

Their names are Jasser, Sarah, Antonin, Romane, Alexandre, Garance or even Quentin. Their common point? They are young. They are active. And above all, they are committed to the ecological transition. Coming from all over France, they are part of the “Nuggets” Club, a network of young professionals who are committed to the environment on a daily basis. And today, on the eve of the presidential election, they are taking action with the #AuBoulotPour2022 operation, in partnership with 20 minutes.

The goal: to challenge the candidates for the Elysée by offering them concrete solutions to get things done. “There is the idea that young people are disengaging from politics, voting less, and that they are at the same time more sensitive to the ecological transition, explains Claire Pétreault, the creator of the association “Les Pépites vertes” . In reality, she is simply engaged through her work, by acting. The interest of #AuBoulotPour2022 is to bring up the proposals of those who work on these subjects every day. »

Between now and the launch of the official campaign, 20 minutes therefore give the floor each week, on video, to one of these “Nuggets”. After Sarah on agriculture and Antonin on the circular economy, it’s time for Elyne this week, who talks to us about the oceans.

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