What is this trendy treatment for taking care of your private parts?

We reassure you right away, the name “vajacial” is a little confusing, but it is absolutely not a question of cleaning the vagina. The human body is well made and it takes care of doing this job on its own. No treatment can ever replace the excellent work of our body, so vajacial only takes care of the visible part of women’s intimate areas: the bikini line.

Although it is less popular in Europe, “this service has already been popular in the United States since 2010,” indicates Amandine Gagneux, trainer for the aesthetic brand. Perron Rigot, which already offers this treatment in France. HAS 20 minutes, she explained the growing interest in this beauty protocol which is (slowly but surely) making its way onto the service menus of French beauty institutes. The objective? Obtain uniform, soothed and hydrated skin, especially after hair removal where the skin is very stressed.

Vajacial, treatment dedicated to “beautifying the bikini line”

The expression: “Being beautiful from head to toe” now takes on its full meaning, with this treatment entirely dedicated to “embellishing the swimsuit”. From the contraction “vagina” and “facial”, vajacial is an aesthetic treatment which treats the bikini line up to the lips, and is aimed at all women, with or without hair. And despite its superficial appearances, this treatment is particularly useful for women experiencing skin problems on their bikini line.

This is what Amandine Gagneux explains: “Bikini hair removal is the No. 1 service performed in the Institute, but unfortunately our clients are not entirely satisfied with the result because hair removal alone only allows certain specific needs to be treated. ‘they can have in this area’. In fact, “1 in 3 women have ingrown hairs, and there was no suitable protocol to help relieve them,” continues the professional. “This treatment is even more popular among people with dark skin who suffer even more from this type of skin problem.”

Once every three months for maintenance or once a month for treatment, vajacial allows you to: Treat imperfections such as ingrown hairs, spots linked to hair removal, shaving or friction from clothing. Eliminate dead cells. And finally, soothe heated skin following hair removal by fighting against redness and irritation.

The procedure for a Vajacial treatment in 6 steps

1. Preparation. The practitioner clean the swimsuit with a wipe to “refresh the area and sanitize it,” explains Amandine Gagneux.

2. Exfoliation. This step allows dead skin to be removed (often with a micro-peeling foam), to have smoother and clearer skin.

3. Hair removal. With a wax without a strip, the practitioner removes the hair. Classic or even full hair removal, at the client’s choice.

4. Treatment. At this stage, we use one or more aesthetic devices adapted to the client’s problem: Vapozone, LED, High frequency, Peeling spatula.

5. Mask. The beautician applies a soothing or perfecting “jelly” mask for 15 minutes.

6. Second treatment. The session ends with the application of a perfecting serum. Your swimsuit is beautiful, very fresh.

With a duration that varies from 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes, the vajacial is practiced in an institute with specific “gynecologically tested” products, assures the trainer. This specifies that there are no specific contraindications, apart from working on healthy and clean skin. In Perron Rigot partner institutes, the full Vajacial treatment costs 70 euros, but can also cost much less depending on the stages. The service is designed to adapt to the needs of each woman’s swimsuit.

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