What is “Le Pyrénéen”, this wooden bicycle made in France presented during the visit to Saint-Lary?

It will be presented on July 14 during the passage of Tour de France in Saint-Lary, in the Hautes-Pyrénées. After reviving the manufacture of wooden skis in the Pyrenees, the company
VillaCampa Pyrenees launches a bike with a wooden frame and a carbon fork.

Called “Le Pyrénéen”, this artisanal bike is made in France, in collaboration with the company Saint-Palais in Castets, in the Landes. An innovation for this SME with two employees which was inspired by the Villecampe brand, which disappeared from the Pyrenees in 2001.

Prototype presented in the Pyrenees

This eco-friendly bike project had been in the company’s cards since 2019. “We started the project with a bamboo bike but it was still fragile as a material, which is why we returned to wood, with technology and technology. innovation that we have been using since 2016 for our wooden skis, explains Jack Fauvel, the founder of VillaCampa Pyrénées. The prototype, which we are presenting at Saint-Lary, is made of ash and the saddles are made in Normandy ”.

One hundred and eighteen copies of this so original bike will be produced, as a tribute to the 118th Tour de France, and have already been reserved for pre-order by enthusiasts and lovers of beautiful objects. “Le Pyrénéen” costs between 3,000 and 3,500 euros.

Historical know-how and innovation

They are two designers, Stephane Mathieu and Mathias Labeyrie, who imagined the curves of this wooden bicycle. “I met Jack Fauvel and I was immediately interested in this French company which values ​​innovation, while retaining its historical know-how, underlines Stéphane Mathieu, designer who has worked in particular for large luxury groups, like Hermès. There is the history of the Pyrenees in this wooden bicycle which is suitable for leisure, sport or the ride. The bicycle was created in three months while it was difficult to find French companies to manufacture it ”.

To promote “Le Pyrénéen”, VillaCampa Pyrénées has established a partnership with the Saint-Lary tourist office, cradle of the Mir family, whose champion Isabelle has hit the slopes with VillaCampe skis. The Pyrenean resort has also developed a policy in favor of cycling in recent years.

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