What helps against herpes? Practical tips

Viral infection
What helps against herpes? How to properly treat the lip sores

Amazing but true: 90 percent of Germans carry herpes viruses

© flisak / Getty Images

The lip burns, itches, tingles or tightens – shortly afterwards, the first cold sores become visible. For many people, this repetitive procedure is extremely painful and troublesome, especially if they don’t treat the viral infection in a timely manner.

Did you know that 90 percent of Germans carry the herpes virus (type 1)? In itself, that’s not a problem – unless the virus breaks out. Then you unfortunately belong to those affected who have to grapple with herpes at regular intervals. Most of the time, the cold sores announce themselves by burning, pulling or tingling. Sometimes the lip just tightens. This is the prodromal phase, a kind of precursor to the cold sore. The entire process can be divided into five stages:

From infestation to healing


Phase 1:

Lip tingles, itches, or tightens

Phase 2:

Small bubbles form

Phase 3:

The herpes is an open sore

Phase 4:

The blisters slowly become encrusted

Phase 5:

The herpes heals again

The bad news is that if you already have the virus in you, you will not get rid of it for a lifetime because it cannot be removed from your body. The good news is that there are many Creams and ointments with which you can treat the first signs and alleviate the typical symptoms. What is important for you to know is that you have to act quickly if herpes becomes noticeable. Unfortunately, you cannot prevent the impending outbreak in principle.

What triggers herpes?

Have you ever noticed that lip vesicles always form on you when you are under stress or have a cold? In fact, the virus preferentially breaks out once your immune system is weakened. But exposure to strong sunlight can also cause you to develop herpes. There are even people who only have lip vesicles when they are disgusted with something.

You should use a cotton swab to treat cold sores

You should use a cotton swab to treat cold sores

© miljko / Getty Images

These remedies help against herpes

In the prodromal phase, the virus count is still low, so you should start treatment as early as possible. The sooner you fight the cold sores with an antiviral agent, the fewer viruses will form – which can inevitably affect the duration of the outbreak and the length of the healing phase. Over-the-counter preparations are available for the treatment of herpes: There are ointments containing docosanol, zinc or lemon balm extract. However, they only inhibit the viruses, but cannot prevent them from multiplying. Much more effective and recommended by dermatologists is a herpes cream that contains antiviral agents (e.g. acyclovir and penciclovir). You can’t stop the herpes, but you can stop the viruses from multiplying. These include preparations such as Zovirax, Acyclovir and Pencivir. The latter cream has the advantage that it is tinted (skin-colored) and therefore does not catch the eye as much when it is applied to the lip.

Important: Herpes is highly contagious. This not only applies to those around you, but also to you. The liquid in the lip vesicles contains the transmittable viruses, which can also multiply through your chin and nose. If possible, try not to touch the herpes with your hands and always use a clean cotton swab to apply the cream. This will keep the wound clean so that bacteria or debris cannot collect in it.

This is how you can prevent herpes

There are a variety of products on the over-the-counter market that can be used to prevent cold sores. This includes the electronic herpes pen Hypothermic: According to the manufacturer, you can already contain the first signs such as tingling, burning or itching – just by exposure to heat, without any chemicals. Contact with the herpes pen should have a positive effect on histamines and degradation enzymes. In plain language this means: the impending inflammation is stopped.

Another method of preventing herpes is to take it Lysine Be: As soon as you notice the first signs, you can take the capsules regularly with a little water – this should prevent lip sores from forming in the first place. However, since every body reacts differently, there is no guarantee here. The same goes for so-called Herpes patchesthat are stuck to the affected area when the first tingling sensation occurs and are intended to prevent or at least contain the outbreak.

Last but not least, there are also special products that have been developed to care for and protect lips sensitive to herpes – such as lip cream from ilon. On the one hand, it contains a sun protection factor of ten to protect your lips from the sun’s rays, and on the other hand, you should nourish and care for your lips before and after the outbreak of herpes. The lip balm from promises the same Sanct Bernhardwhich is enriched with manuka oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, bisabolol, marigold extract and shea butter.

When should a doctor be consulted?

If you feel that the number of cold sores is increasing dramatically, and the herpes is even spreading down your face (e.g. your chin or nose), it is better to see a dermatologist. He can give you prescription pills that fight the virus from the inside. These also help with severe swelling caused by herpes viruses. If the lip vesicles break out more than six times a year or last longer than ten days, it is just as advisable to see a doctor.

Lip care with honey

Honey has an antiseptic effect and is a tried and tested home remedy

Are There Effective Home Remedies For Herpes?

There are many home remedies that are falsely touted as a panacea for everything, such as toothpaste, alcohol, or vinegar. However, under no circumstances should you use these ingredients to treat cold sores, as they dry out the skin and thus counteract the healing process. The following home remedies are more suitable for prevention:

  • Honey is known for its antiseptic properties. It is important, however, that it must not be applied to open wounds, i.e. you can only use it before the first lip vesicles form.

  • Even Tea tree oil is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. To prevent herpes, you can dab the oil on the affected area with a cotton swab when you feel the first signs.

  • Lemon balm can be in the form of creams or Oils can also be used against herpes. The active ingredients contained in it should be able to contribute to the reduction of swelling and redness.

  • Even cloves are said to help relieve cold sore symptoms. This is made possible by its antioxidant and antiviral active ingredients, which are applied to the skin as a secretion from the crushed cloves.

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